“I am.”

“Well, in that case, this once again shows how big of a coward he is,” Christian said angrily, “the man knows where ye are, but he still does nae care about ye enough to come get ye. Or perhaps he is just too scared to come get ye from me because he kens I will kill him if I see him.”

“Why will ye kill him? He has done nothing to ye.”

“I do nae need any more reason to kill him after what he did to ye, Keira. Moreover, he attacked our clan.”

“When?” Keira asked, appearing confused.

“Two weeks before we attacked him. That was why we looted his castle, or else I never would have done so,” Christian explained.

“He attacked the MacPhersons? How bad was the damage?”

“Ye think? Even the women of our clan are stronger than his soldiers,” Christian scoffed.

“So yer attack was only for the purpose of revenge?”

“And to remind him that he needs to stay in his lane and think twice before attacking the MacPherson’s ever again,” Christian confirmed.

“He told me that ye were a hot-headed laird who was attacking him for nay reason apparently. That his clan was far richer than yers, and all ye wanted was money. The first two times ye attacked, ye could nae breach the gates, and he was extremely angry and frustrated after the attack,” she told him, a sudden surge of fear in her eyes.

“I would never attack a clan to loot them. Our clan is far wealthier than he is and is only prospering. He is a cruel laird who tortures his farmers and blackmails them into giving him a greater share, and even his people hate him,” Christian told her, and Keira knew he was not lying. He had no reason to.

“So ye did attack him twice before?” she asked, curious about what had gone on outside the walls of Gilmor castle while she had been locked inside a bedchamber.

“Nay,” Christian shook his head. “It could hardly be called an attack since both times, it was Eric who tried to attack us first, and we simply chased him away till we reached his clan. We did nae even try to breach the gates, or else he would have never been able to stop us.”

“He was such a liar,” Keira scoffed.

“When he tried to loot our clan again, that was when I decided to finally attack and teach him a lesson. That was when I found ye,” Christian explained further.

“Thank ye, Christian,” she suddenly said.

“What for?”

“Saving me.” Christian smiled at her as he knew he would spend an entire lifetime saving her all over again just to see the smile on her face. She was more precious to him than anything else in the world.


“What are ye doing?”Christian questioned the moment he entered Keira’s bedchamber at their usual time for dinner. Keira smiled as she looked at him since she had been waiting for him restlessly. She knew this evening was going to be monumental for them.

“I was waiting for ye, of course,” she replied innocently, completely ignoring the fact that Christian was clearly eyeing and referring to the table in front of her.

Since the two of them had been having dinner together every day, Harriet would set up a table for them in Keira’s bedchamber before Christian arrived. Although today, Keira had told Harriet to not set up dinner and leave the table empty because Keira had other plans. She was tired of Christian avoiding her questions and refusing to talk about himself. She would not tolerate it any longer.

“Why is a board of chess spread in front of ye, Keira?” Christian asked, coming to sit down in front of her. She could sense an amused curiosity on his face but nothing akin to anger or annoyance. She smiled as she looked at him, remembering how good he had been to her throughout her time here. He was kind and respectful, and she felt as if he truly wanted her to be around him.

“We are going to play chess today,” she told him with a smile as he cocked an eyebrow.

“Why? If I may ask?”

“Well, me laird,” Keira said with mock flattery, “I am tired of ye dodging my questions about yerself and refusing to open up while I am ready to tell ye everything about me. So today, ye will need to reveal yerself.”

“Really?” He laughed. “How do ye think it is going to happen?”

“The rules are very simple,” Keira explained, “every time I take away yer pawn, ye will answer a question of mine.”

“Ye have chosen the wrong game, sweetheart,” Christian winked, “I am an excellent chess player. I have been playing since I was a kid.”