
Later, we got into the car, and I drove away from the hotel. There was traffic on the road, so I slowed down, going with the flow. Crystal had been silent but now she spoke, "tell me about your brother, Igor. What's he like? And since he lived here, why didn't we just stay at his place?"

"That… is actually quite complicated, and I'll explain later. Just know that he'd definitely like you." I saw that wasn't what she wanted to hear and sighed. "Igor is the second eldest in the family. He's married to the heiress of a major fashion company. They hadn't put their minds to having a child, but I knew they would soon. He was a hospitable man, which is one of the reasons he focused on Rosii Resorts and Estates rather than the winery or travel agency."

"How many industries is your company involved in?" There was wonder in Crystal’s voice.

"Our main staple are wines, but before my parents died, they branched into other industries. They didn't want the company to be put inside a box. As for how many industries we are involved in, it’s just three. You already know of the Resort and Estates, and the next one is the travel agency run by my other brother, Lancelot. You'd be surprised how many people travel in a year. The last one is a Media company, DRP Media House, run from behind the scenes by my sister, Marie."

Crystal cast me a bewildered look. "Come on, don't act so shocked. No business worth its salt fails to invest in the media. Information is key, power, and wealth. All these companies are just to say that we are well rounded. People who use our resorts for vacations or move into our estates use our wines. When traveling, they get to taste our wines in the air, and we get a massive push from the media house."

"This is truly awe inspiring. I never knew all. It's good you all are running various arms of the company; otherwise, how would you survive. Or are you secretly a superhero by night?"

"Would you like me to take you from your home at night and fly in the sky.... Sorry, I can't do that." She laughed, genuinely amused. Her hand rested on my thigh and caressed me through my clothes.

"You are already a superhero - and more." I grew silent, watching the road while I thought about what she said. The traffic had eased, so I drove smoothly. The way I saw Crystal stare at me made me realize what I had missed in my previous marriage. Luna didn't appreciate or respect me. She was all about herself: her appearance, her next trip, the latest haute couture, and a million other things that didn't include me. I was blinded by the love I had for her to ignore these things. Crystal was entirely different and a better woman than Luna could ever be. I felt that if I asked her out, I wouldn't be making a wrong choice.

The rest of the journey was easy. A few minutes to noon, we arrived at Igor's home, an imposing mansion that reminded people of medieval England. The gate was controlled by a motion sensor, and I drove in. I parked by the fountain in the middle of the compound and helped Crystal out of the car. Igor was already by the door with his wife, Scarlett. They wore matching velvet coats that made them look like it was the holidays. Igor didn't usually dress like that. It must be his wife's influence.

"Igor's wife, Scarlett, is particular about greeting and etiquette. Just play along for a while. Now, give me your hand." Crystal took what I said with a neutral face and gave me her hand. Holding it, I brought both of us to the mansion entrance.

Scarlett, looking pale and pretty, gave us a cheerful smile while my brother looked distant. He shared some similarities when it came to face shape, but it ended there. He had the classic British mustache, and his hair was gelled fashionably. He stretched out his hand. I took it, shaking it as I said, "Brother."

"Brother, good to see you again." His lips twitched and he cracked a smile. I pulled him into a hug, truly glad to see my brother again.

"And who is this?" he asked, sizing up Crystal.

Crystal was in a modest white outfit and scandals, giving off a country girl vibe. She smiled at Igor and Scarlett while waiting for me to introduce her. "My bad. This is Crystal, my assistant and friend. Crystal, this my brother, Igor and his wife, the beautiful Scarlett."

"It's a pleasure to meet in person. Mrs. Rosii, you are positively splendid and, Mr. Rosii, thank you for having me in your home."

Scarlett beamed and Igor smiled, giving me a wink. They were clearly impressed with Crystal. "Let's go in. I need to speak with Crystal. She's such a beautiful woman, and I'd love to give her some fashion knowledge." Scarlett opened the door behind her, beckoning us in. Igor followed her and we trailed them.

"Friend?"she scoffed under her breath. I shook my head; that wasn't what I meant, but I know it came out wrong. I still didn't know how to define our relationship.

Inside Igor's home was an elaborate décor, ranging from the furniture to the tapestries denoting medieval Britain. It was as if modernity found no place within his home. Scarlett took Crystal away with her, saying something about fashion and beauty. I let her do her thing. It would be great if Crystal could make friends with her.

"Come, let's talk. It's been a while, Lorenzo." Igor walked to his parlor and took a seat on a large couch, enough for both of us. I joined him.

"It certainly has. If you returned my calls or at least called, maybe it wouldn't have taken so long." He sighed at my words. I was waiting for what he'd say next - maybe this conversation would descend into a conversation about Luna and our family image.

"I know it was none of my business, but it hit me hard at the time. I had looked up to you and your marriage as what I wanted for myself…"

"Good thing that wish never came true."

"Good thing it never happened. Either way, I'm sorry. I was an asshole, and you didn't deserve that." He looked somber and remorseful. He must have had time to think this over or Scarlett did a good job of convincing him. The men in our family are famous for being stubborn and set in their ways.

"Igor, no harm done. I forgive you." He relaxed a bit, finally hearing what he wanted to hear. I genuinely held no ill will toward him.

"Thank you. About Crystal, what are you doing with her? Please don't give me that look. I've been with you long enough to know that you've never looked at anyone like that, including Luna. There's something going on between you two." His British accent was finally coming to the surface. It seemed that people were seeing things I hadn't seen in myself yet.

"Crystal is… she is the woman I hired to be a surrogate mom for my child, which fell through. Now, she's my assistant and recently we got intimate… more than once. I still don't know what I'm doing or what to call our relationship, Igor. I have a lot of doubts."

"I get where you're coming from, brother. But if you let your fear dominate your life, you'll never live again or even love once more. You should stop living in the shadows and do what's right for you. Luna is in the past, and that's where she should stay. What I see going on between you and Crystal is genuine and rare to come by. Take a stance soon and be exclusive with her. If she sees you're not serious, there are other guys I'm sure would be after her." Igor's eyes flashed brightly. He really wanted whatever was happening between Crystal and me to work, and I don't blame him.Me too, bro. Me too.

"You've given me something to think about. Maybe it's time that I stop looking at the past and focus on a future with someone else…" Maybe, it would beher.Crystal appeared in my line of sight like I had summoned her.

She smiled before saying, "Please, gentlemen, kindly join us in the dining room." Directly at me, she used her index finger to call me.Could there be something more between us, Crystal?