I reached my office and settled in. The documents in front of me ranged from packaging and distribution to production and storage. This stockpile of work would take some time getting used to, but the experience would be invaluable.

The telephone rang suddenly. I stopped what I was doing and picked up the call. "Good day, Miss Goldwyn. Come to my office immediately. I have important details to share with you." Edward's voice gave nothing away, but that made my heart beat faster. What did he mean byimportant details?I had just started working and followed the company's guidelines closely, so I should have no issues with him. “Miss Goldwyn?"

"Yes, I will be there soon." As soon as I replied, he cut the call. I tried to calm the worry in my heart. It should not be that bad; maybe he wanted to talk about something related to my job. Whatever the case may be, I had to meet with him.

Rising from my seat, I walked briskly to the door. I took the elevator and focused on nothing but my breathing. The elevator came to a stop and opened. I made my way out and approached the General Manager's office at the end of the hallway. I knocked and waited for a response. "Come in."

Opening the door, I entered to see Edward pacing with a file in one hand and a mug of coffee in another. "You're here Miss Goldwyn. That's good. Have a seat." He waved at a chair beside his desk with the file in his hand.

He went to his own seat and set down the things in his hands. He linked his fingers together and held my gaze. That made me feel uncomfortable. “Sir, what's the matter?" I made my voice sound slightly cold.

Hetskedand shook his head. "I was just wondering if you have any personal relationship with Mr. Rosii?"

That took me aback, "What are you insinuating about, sir?"

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not insinuating anything. It just seems like both of you have something going on between you two. It's just a harmless inquiry. You see, Mr. Rosii asked about you yesterday, and he also took you out. Anyone, especially me, your boss, would be curious."

Lorenzo asked about me. I felt my heart jump. What did he tell him? I couldn't ask. “Sir, that's a personal question, and I see no reason to answer it. What does this line of questioning have to do with my employment?"

He saw that I wasn't going to give him any worthwhile information, and his eyes went cold. "You are a woman and it's important to keep a pristine reputation. That's beside the point. Mr. Rosii has asked that I let you go. From this moment forward, you will no longer work here. You will report to work at the main company and start working as Mr. Rosii’s Personal Assistant. I hope you're happy about that?" I didn't answer his question.

My head had to wrap around the fact that I had lost my job and would now be working closely with the man I had wanted to keep a professional distance from, Lorenzo. When he said he would keep in touch, he never mentioned this. How would I stay around him knowing what I know? Edward was still observing me with cold, gray eyes.

I rolled my eyes mentally. This was the reason he was asking all those rude questions. He could shove his opinions down his throat. "Thank you for informing me. I should take my leave now." I rose, walking straight to the door. I needed a moment with my thoughts.

"Have a pleasant day, Miss Goldwyn." I closed the door, ignoring him. When I reached my office, I let my emotions wash over me – both excitement and dread. Would I be able to keep my secret away from him for long? And how would I go about this attraction I had for him? "Oh, God, help me…" I breathed, closing my eyes. Lorenzo appeared with a bright smile and his arms spread wide for an embrace.Nope, we are not doing that, Crystal.

Chapter 4


Thecarcametoa stop at the entrance of the company. My phone started ringing. I saw it was Edward. Two days ago, I called him after my meal with Crystal to see when she could start working as my assistant. I confess to being attracted to her, which played a part in my decision. He should have good news. "Yes, Edward…"

"Sir, all went well. She should be reporting for work today at the company." His tone showed he held no grievances toward me, or rather he hid them well. Not that I cared.

"I see. Good job." I cut the call and stepped out of the car. Antonio rushed out to hand me my briefcase. Nodding, I took the suitcase and walked to the sliding door. I pushed it open and made my way to the elevator. I'd seen this view for years now, so it was nothing new.

I had my mind on Crystal now. She was going to be working with me. I didn't know what I expected. I had sworn to myself that I'd focus all my efforts on myself and ignore any woman who tried to seduce me. When the news broke that I was newly divorced, women - old and young - tried to capture my attention, but I turned them down. I didn't know what it was with Crystal that made me want to break my personal oath.

The elevator was free, so I had it all to myself. A few minutes later, I was on the upper floor. The whole floor was filled with panoramic windows that showed the beautiful skyline of the city. I sometimes stayed by these windows to clear my thoughts. Taking a left turn, I walked to my office. From the corner of my eye, I saw someone sitting in the waiting room. People who had appointments with the higher ups in the company made use of this room, but what gave me a pause was the person I saw: it was Crystal.

I changed the course of my destination and went to the waiting room. It had an open door, so I entered. Crystal was on her phone, typing away furiously. I coughed, catching her attention. She clutched her phone nervously and rose. "Good morning, sir. I didn't see you there." I had missed her voice and the way she would look at me.

I took in the appealing sight of her. She had rolled her auburn hair into a tight bun. Her beautiful, long legs stood out against the blue of her skirt suit. Underneath her jacket, she wore a white V-necked blouse that showed a little cleavage. She saw me staring and started pulling on the edges of her jacket with a defiant look in her eyes.

"As my assistant you can't stay here. Come with me." I said and turned, not looking to see if she followed. I heard the clack of her heels behind me and smiled at the sound.

Pulling out my key card, I pushed the open. "Ladies first," I insisted. I gave her an encouraging smile which she returned as she entered. Following her, I closed the door behind me and trod to my desk.

I placed my briefcase down on the glass table and went to the window to roll up the blinds. Natural light flooded the room, making the spacious room look larger. I turned to see her standing. "Crystal, have your seat and make yourself comfortable."

She took her seat by my desk, and I joined her. "Thank you for this opportunity, sir. I didn't expect it." She looked rather stiff in the chair. Apparently, my decision to promote her suddenly must have put her on edge.

"Crystal, I thought we were friends? Why use that honorific with me? You can call me by my name. I won't be offended."

"It's just the fact that we are in your company at the moment, and I have to keep a professional relationship, meaning distance, between us lest people get the wrong idea about us."

"There's no one here except you and me at the moment. So, just what idea are they getting? I am now your boss, and I say it's okay for you to call me by my name. We can call each other by our first names and still maintain a professional relationship. Or don't you agree?"