Ifinisheddressingandwas ready to leave for work. After our rendezvous last night, we got home exhausted - more so for Crystal who'd be dealing with the effect of her hangover soon. She opened her eyes, saw me standing by the bed, and tried to stand.

"I will be home soon. Rest." I stopped her from rising from bed. She was tired, and I didn't want her to stress herself. Beside her was Alfred, curled up in a peaceful sleep. He had woken late at night after Jen had left, and he insisted on staying with us. I kissed his forehead.

"Okay, take care." I took my car keys and briefcase and made my way out of my room. When I closed the door, my phone rang. I answered it as I made my way down the stairs. "Good morning, sir. I have something urgent I want to talk to you about." The voice of Jace, the head of my media team, resonated in a cool tone but from what he said, I knew it was important.

"Can this wait till I get to work?" I reached the bottom of the stairs and stopped.

"I'm sorry, sir, unfortunately I cannot. Several tabloids and celebrity gossip sites have pictures of you with a lady from the 407 Picasso Club. There are rather graphic and hint at you being in a state of undress with the lady. I'm trying to suppress it, but I would like to know what you think. Also, some media giants are asking for a comment before they run the story," he said all this in a calm and unhurried manner.

I clenched my fists, mad at myself for not being more careful. Paparazzi always lurked around that club for anything that could get. I thought we were safe in the exclusive parking lot but apparently not. "Bring down the legal might of the company on those pesky little blogs and tabloids. Those images must not circulate on the internet. Pay them off if you have to. As for those news organizations, ignore them. I'll deal with them personally."

"Yes, sir." I knew he was up to the task, so I didn't bother. I cut the call and considered my next step. I wanted to shield Crystal from this if possible. The internet is a cruel place, and I'd hate for the world to perceive her through the lens of a scathing blog headline. She didn't deserve that.

I looked up the stairs, thinking maybe I should tell her about this before she finds out. Then I killed that thought. I would solve this alone. I left the house and ordered the guards to stay alert. They must drive off any intruders. Once the journalists and paparazzi found a new story, especially when it comes to a person of my social standing, they become relentless and brutal.

I called my sister. She should be able to bury or at least suppress this story before it gets out of hand. "Brother, I can only guess why you're calling…" Marie knew what was going on by the tone of her voice.

"Get ahead of the story and find a way to shut those journalists up for as long as possible. If that's not possible, make sure those pictures stay off the internet." The coldness in my voice stopped her from making any jokes.

"Don't worry. It will be done." I cut the call and breathed a sigh of relief, although this wasn't the end. I checked online for anything but found nothing on the major news organization websites. At least they hadn't published anything yet. Blogs and gossip sites can be discredited. I drove away from the house and arrived at work in a flash.

When I parked, I saw Jace standing in front of my car. He came to my door and opened it. I stepped out. "Update?" I asked, bringing out my briefcase.

"I was able to get the tabloids to bring down the story. They shouldn’t try that anytime soon while the news organizations have stopped calling. One thing is certain: the story hasn't gone far. At least on social media it's barely making waves. It's just that some reportersarewaiting at the company entrance." I took in all he said with a nod. I was satisfied with the current progress they'd made.

However, I knew this wasn't feasible in the long run. Could I suppress every news story about Crystal and me whenever we appeared intimate in public? Sooner or later, I'd have to let the world know my true intentions. And it would not be long. I nodded at Jace; we left the parking lot and walked toward a private executive entrance.

Everyone in the company went on with business as usual, proof that the news hadn't gone far. Entering my office, I settled in. Jace was standing in front of me like a sentinel. "Thank you, Jace. You can get back to work now. Also, keep me updated on any new developments on this issue… and get the security to get those reporters off the premises."

He nodded and left. Alone with my thoughts, I tried to shut out the turmoil in my mind only for me to receive a joint call from my brothers and sister. Sighing, I picked it. "What is it?" I feigned ignorance; I knew why they were calling. Marie would have done a good job filling them in. It's a wonder they were only calling now after thisscandal.

"So, is it true then? You and Crystal are now official…" Igor hadn't finished when Maria cut in.

"And there's a baby, so yeah. It's official."

"Brother, I'm happy for you. When are you sealing the deal?" Lancelot made sure he said the last part with as much enthusiasm as possible. They were all talking about me and this situation as if I wasn't there.

"All of you, thanks for your concern…for all your worries and questions… just know it's going to be soon." I truly meant that. Soon, a home with Crystal would be real.

Chapter 24


Tiredofsittinginside,I decided to go out for a walk. The Rosii residence was large, and I haven't seen all of it yet. Not wanting to leave Alfred alone in the house, I brought him along, walking ahead of me. He was clearly fascinated by the vast beds of flowers in the garden. I watched him so he wouldn't eat any of it.

A few feet away were the guards, keeping their distance to give me an illusion of privacy. I was already getting used to their presence. We passed the pool and reached a pavilion that emitted a Chinese aesthetic. I sat on a chair in the shade with Alfred on my lap. I took a moment to observe the pond. White lotuses floated on the surface of the water while underneath small fish swam about. The afternoon sun gave the landscape a picturesque aura.

Satisfied with my short rest, I left the pavilion and reached the adjacent wide-open field with a shocking vibrant green ground. I could imagine Alfred at an older age playing on this field with his friends. It was a nice thought.

I sat on the soft grass, enjoying the fresh breeze that carried the seductive scent of flowers. Alfred didn't sit. He ran through the field - falling, rolling, and laughing. He was having fun the way he liked. Something caught my attention: a moving figure. The person was too far away to determine their identity, but I knew they might be an intruder with how stealthily they moved.

I was on my feet immediately. I looked behind me to see the guards still some distance away - it wasn't one of them. "Baby, come to Mama." Alfred heard my voice and quickly came to me. As I was about to pick him up, the person saw us and ran over. I was able to make out his gender, other than that, he was dressed in black and had covered his face.

He fell to his knees and pointed a paparazzi camera at us. Instantly I knew what was happening. I picked Alfred up and walked away immediately while I called out to the guards. The person was coming closer and taking more photos. "Bastard!" I cursed.

The guards sprang to action, running so fast that they were like a blur. "Don't let him go! Bring him back." I called after them. I didn't look back to see what had happened. Alfred hugged my neck tightly as I ran to the house.