Monday came in a flash. I was ready an hour before I was supposed to leave. I prepared Alfred and his meals. On my way to work, I dropped him off at Jen's. Her home was beautiful and welcoming. I was comfortable, leaving him with her. Saying my goodbye, I left in a hurry. It was my first day, and I wanted to make a statement by not being late.
Upon arrival, I muttered a quick prayer and stepped out of the Uber. The car sped away, leaving me to take in the sight of the grand building. It looked less imposing than before but no less magnificent with its captivating murals and architectural embellishments. Taking a deep breath, I walked in resolutely.
I marched up to the receptionist, my heels making music on the marble floor. "Good morning. I'm Crystal Goldwyn. I'm here for my appointment with the General Manager."
"Good morning, Miss Goldwyn. He is ready to meet you. Just go to the topmost floor through the elevator on your right." He flashed me a bright smile, his eyes appreciating my outfit. I outdid myself today. Thanking him, I made my way to the topmost floor.
When I met with the General Manager, Edward, I found him affable. I relaxed in his presence. The energy of this place assured me that I had made the right decision. He summarized various departments in the branch and various things I was to keep in mind. I began thinking about Lorenzo again. I stopped my mind from wandering as he explained the job duties.
"Though we are just a branch, the main company keeps a close eye on us and does routine inspections. That's why I'll need you to supervise the production closely and offer any feedback you have. If impress the outside supervisor, our branch will get more funding from the company. Once again, welcome on board, Miss Goldwyn. Meet Shawn, the receptionist. He will show you to your office. Please note that someone important is coming today, and you'll need to be on your best behavior." He rose, extending his hand. I shook it firmly before he escorted me to the door.
"You will have no problem with me, sir. Thank you." I replied, confidently.
"I'm sure I won't." He smiled as he closed the door behind me. I clenched my hand, relieved all had gone well. I would have to sign some papers later. For now, I headed to my office to prepare to meet thisimportant person.Little did I know my world was about to be shaken.
Chapter 2
"Sir,thecarisready for your trip." I looked up from the file I was going through to see my driver, Antonio. I was so caught up in my work that I forgot about the meeting I had set up with the General Manager at the Rosii branch.
"Thank you for informing me. I'll be down in a minute." He nodded and left my office. Closing the file, I put it on others I'd gone through and rose from my chair. Straightening my suit jacket, I left my desk and walked to the door. I walked briskly to the elevator, and in no time, I was on the lower floor. Giving curt nods to the staff greeting me, I made my way out of the building. Antonio was waiting for me at the exit. When he saw me, he bowed and fell beside me. He was a spry young man. I had employed him to help run errands and sometimes he served as my driver.
Passing the massive pillars dominating the entrance of my company, I took in the sight of the car in front of me. Its black coating gleamed in the sun. It was a Mercedes-Maybach S 680 4MATIC, one of my favorite rides. Antonio opened the door, and I slid in. He got into the driver's seat and started the engine. It purred to life, and we drove out.
I leaned into my seat, enjoying the smooth ride. My mind wandered to the meeting I was about to have. The Manager, Edward, informed me that he had a new batch of wine to show me. Obviously, he wanted my approval. I wanted to turn him down, but he promised it would be worth my time. Seeing as I had a light schedule today, I agreed. What if my next best-selling wine came from him. Every branch of the Rosii Winery was competing to outsell the other and garner more financial support from me. I tacitly consented if it helped the company and caused no harm to anyone.
Taking care of the company has been my pride, but I could also see its effects. I spent a lot of time in the company and traveling with business partners. All this was taking a toll on me. Thinking about the large and empty home I would return to at night quickly soured my mood. The best way out was to bury my head in work and ignore the pain from my past. Luna… The thought of her still irked me. I had wanted a future with her. I stayed by her side, faithful for five years in a childless marriage only to discover that it was never my fault - but hers. The cheating and betrayal hurt. When the surrogacy failed, that was the last straw. I thought I was going to get an heir from her… Crystal, the surrogate.
I gazed out the window. Everything was blurred as the car sped up. I still remembered her face - quick with a smile and mischievous green eyes. Had things worked out with the surrogacy, I planned to give her a good life. It was unfortunate how things ended, but I hope she made something out of her life with the money I gave her.
With that, I swept the thoughts aside. That was in the past. The future was all that mattered, I told myself in an effort to convince me. The car slowed and took a turn around a corner. Seeing the change of scenery, I knew we were close to our destination. I hadn't been here before, but the environment was beautiful with well-spaced planting, allowing for air and sunlight. I nodded: the branch was in a good place. With the restaurants, clubs and hotels I frequent, there should be no issue selling our wines. Of course, ours is the best out there.
The car stopped in front of a three-story building; it had a modern and artful vibe. At the entrance, I could see a line of people with broad smiles on their faces.
"Sir, we're here." I caught my driver staring at me through the mirror. He averted his gaze.
"Park the car safely. When I'm about to leave, I'll call you." I opened the door and stepped out. With the door closed behind me, the car drove to the side of the building. I sized up the people waiting for me: five in total with the man at the center having an air of authority around him. He managed to smile even more broadly and walked up to me.
"Welcome, Sir. I'm Edward, the General Manager of the Rosii Winery Branch. I'm pleased to welcome you." He looked a bit older than me but was respectful, nonetheless. I shook his outstretched hand.
"My pleasure. I am impressed with what you've done with this place, Edward. Keep up the good work." I patted his back, smiling at him. He seemed to get over his initial tense air. I scanned the faces of the others standing around him. He was about to introduce them when the door behind him opened, and a woman in a maroon suit walked out swiftly. Her hair was tied into a neat ponytail, and she swayed as she walked.
"I'm sorry, sir. I had to finish setting up my office," she said breathlessly to Edward. Her tone was apologetic. Could this be who I think it is? Crystal? A wonderful surprise. She was even more beautiful and shapely than I remembered. It had been over three years, and I could see the changes in her body - mature and more confident. My kind of woman.
She glanced at me, and I held her gaze. Her green eyes, as mesmerizing as ever, were wide with surprise. She brought her head down and feigned a cough. "I'm so sorry for her tardiness, Mr. Rosii. Crystal here just joined us today. I hope you're not offended?" Edward cast a baleful glare at Crystal, and she seemed to shrink into herself. I didn't like seeing that.
"No at all. We can skip the introductions. I don't have all day." I waved at him, showing my impatience. I really wasn't. Rather, my curiosity was piqued, and I was ready to spend as much time as possible with her.
"You're right. Please come with me." He walked ahead, his legs practically gliding on the ground, but I kept up with his strides. Crystal was behind me, trying to hide from my sight. Why was a mystery to me.
Edward sent them away and led me to his office. I wanted to ask about Crystal when we were alone. We took the elevator to get to the upper floor. I could see Edward was a bit nervous. I had that effect on people. I cut a striking figure, and being his boss apparently caused him some fear.
I made no comment to protect his pride. The elevator came to a stop with the doors opening. I followed him out. We ambled past several people who looked at me curiously and quickly walked away. When I thought the journey would not end, he paused in front of a lacquered door and opened it. He moved away to let me enter first. I entered first, and he followed closely. There was a comfortable armchair by the side of his window. I marched over to it and took my seat.
"Edward, what's this new wine you were talking about?" I got straight to the point. He sat on the chair opposite me and went still.
"Sir, it's a fruit wine. We've produced both the alcoholic and non-alcoholic version. It is made with specially bred fruits, and it's a hundred percent organic. I thought this would diversify our market. Especially to middle-class families and young people who'd like a taste of our wine, but within their budget. What do you think, sir?"