I received no reply. I should have called. I brought out my phone to dial her number when the door lock sounded. The door creaked open, and Crystal appeared before me, looking tired with bags under her eyes. Her hair was frizzy and in a messy bun. She pulled her knitted sweater tighter around her body for comfort. She looked sick, which concerned me. I probably shouldn't be. "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?" I moved toward her without thinking, trying to assess her temperature.
She moved back, hissed, and glared at me. From her body language, she'd fight if I touched her. I took my hand and regained my composure. "I see you're early. You could have come late at night or tomorrow. It's not too late to get him later." Her voice was thin and whispery. Looking at her made me feel pity. It was undeniable that she loved Alfred and doing this was a disservice to her; still, that wouldn't make me back down.
"You don't have to make this hard for either of us. I'm here to get my son. This resistance is useless, and you know it. Where is he?" I tried to look past her inside. She was using her body to block the door. It was dark inside, and I didn't hear his voice.He must be sleeping.
"Is that all you care about? Tell me did you ever feel or care for me, even for one minute?" she asked suddenly.
I paused, trying to understand what she was asking. "Of course, I did!" I blurted out.
She scoffed, "That's right,did.I was nothing but a useful toy to you. One minute you were fascinated, the next you discarded me after you found a flashy yew toy - in this case your son." There was venom in her words, and it stung.
"Don't you dare put this one on me, Crystal. I didn't intend to use you. Rather, you were the one who did - lying to my face and hiding my son from me. I wanted to have something more with you. Goddammit, I was looking forward to it. I didn't expect a betrayal. How could I have known?" I raised my hands in frustration. This wasn't going how I wanted it to go. She was proving to be stubborn. Why was she delaying the inevitable?
"Is that how you see it? As a betrayal? I never had that in mind. I lived in fear each day and the guilt hurt. I was planning to tell you - to bring father and son together. Then you found out and flipped out. You've destroyed my life, and for what? To take back a son you know next to nothing about. To keep me, his mother, away from him? Even with the pain and injury my body went through just to bring him to this world. You know what, Lorenzo? You are just like the men people have told me about. High and mighty, seeing women as pets and pawns to be used and discarded. What else would you call this? I am simply a vessel for your desires. Maybe you had sex with me because you needed somewhere to dump your semen. And when you found out you had a child, you deemed that I'd outlived my usefulness.”
Crystal had more to say. “Let me tell you who you are. A man who has all the wealth he'd ever need in the world, a man who doesn't understand love and the complexities of human life. You use your money to lord over everyone. Everyone should bow and tremble at your feet. And if they don't, you bury them to have your way. If you take my son away, you are burying me!" she screamed, her voice carrying far into the street. Her words rocked my being. For a moment I doubted myself. Was she right? Was that who I was?
I wanted to say something to disprove her. I have loved and known pain. Still, I have had my way in life due to my wealth, not caring who I hurt. And I've hurt her. However, the damage was done, and I could not repair it. "Crystal, I just want my son. I'll take him, and you'll never hear from me ever again." I said, finally. I was exhausted and drained.
Tears streamed down her face. "You mean I'll never see my baby ever again. Go! Go take him. I hate you, Lorenzo. Alfred won't love you…" She kept saying those words like she meant them. Or did she? Maybe they were just to hurt me. If so, they were working. I had many doubts about fatherhood and how to go about it. This was my first time, and I didn't want to do this wrong. If things were better, I'd have a woman like Crystal in my life, keeping my family together - healthy and happy.
Anger and sadness rose in my heart. I wanted to call her a liar. My son would love me. I would have everything I ever dreamed of in the end. But it all sounded hollow.
Crystal suddenly stopped crying and stepped away from the door. She stood aside, lifeless, and pale. I wanted to touch her - hold her and tell her that I'm sorry. I knew that would sound patronizing. I swallowed my words and walked in. She closed the door, shutting out the light that illuminated the room.
Chapter 15
Iknewmywayaround the house. Not seeing Alfred in the living room, I went to his room. His door was open. I could feel Crystal's presence behind my back like a ghost. I didn't want to stay for too long as the atmosphere was depressing. I saw Alfred on the floor with toy cars all around him. He was arranging them by size.
He was in his own bubble - away from the troubles we faced. I imagined that I was once like that: free of worries and living in my own world of joy. Looking at him now, I knew I could give him almost everything under the sun, but what Crystal said before came back to me. All that would be materialistic. Could I give him true paternal love? Would I have time for him? Is what I have going to be enough?
Alfred looked up from his toy collection. Recognition showed in his eyes. "Papa? Papa!" He cried in a cheerful tone. He struggled to climb to his feet. I picked him up and brought him to my chest. His hands went to my face, pulling my beard and placing wet kisses on my forehead. Immediately, I felt at peace. Maybe fatherhood wouldn't be so hard after all.
"Yes, Papa is here. I will take you home." He looked confused. "New home. A big house with cars and loads of toys." I tried again. He nodded his head skeptically. His eyes left mine and looked behind me. "Mama…come. Papa, new house." He said it with more enthusiasm to Crystal. He thought she was coming too. Sadly, I would have to break his heart.
"No, baby. You will be with Papa. Mommy… Mommy won't be with you." Her voice was choked with emotion, and she ran out of the room. Alfred looked dejected; I didn't know what to do or say.
"It will be fine. You will like it," I said in the end. No reply was forthcoming. His eyes were still stuck on the empty doorway. Sighing, I looked around the room and noticed two bags and a box of toys. Crystal must have done this in anticipation of my arrival.
I had to take them. A room was set up for him, but clothes and toys were still lacking. I would get those later, but for now these would do. I picked up the two bags; they were light. I turned to leave the room. I would come back for the box. When I stepped out, I noticed the door was already open, and Crystal was standing on the porch. I walked out. She said nothing. I did the same.
I put the bags in the trunk and placed Alfred in the back seat. I put the seat belt around him and left the door open. He seemed to have forgotten his dejected state and was fiddling with the seat belt. "I will be back." I said and walked back to his room to retrieve the toys. When I returned, Crystal stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.
"He's a good boy. He doesn't ask for much, just your time and attention. Don't forget to put his teddy bear beside him when he sleeps… also he hates sleeping with the light one. Don't feed him too much… he doesn't have any allergies but will demand for more food and then throw up later." She looked like she would say more then turned away, hiding her tears.
"Thank you," I replied softly. She nodded through her tears, and I walked to my car. After dropping the box with the bags in the trunk, I closed the door on Alfred's side and climbed in the car seat. Before I closed the door, Crystal was in front of me.
"Call…call me if you need anything. He will have a hard time adjusting. Hearing my voice from time to time could help him…." She paused, biting her lips. "Please."
It might have been a stupid decision, but I took her hand and squeezed it. "I will." She waved goodbye to Alfred, and he did the same. I don't think he really understood what was going on yet. I closed the door and started the car. While I drove away, Alfred fought against the seat belt and looked back through the window. From the rearview mirror, I saw Crystal waving at us. I sped away.
When I got back home, Alfred looked ready to fall asleep. I got out of the car and went to get him out only for the door of my home to break open. My sister, Marie, walked out in high heels and a shimmery scarlet gown. "Brother!" she called with a smile on her face.
She reached me, and I hugged her. "Marie! Why are you here? I didn't expect you! You should have called."
She broke the hug and gave me a shrug. Her face looked similar to our mothers with a high bridged nose and an oval face that gave her brown eyes an innocent quality. "I wanted to surprise you, but you weren't home. Also, I have a meeting with some executives here in California. Where were…" she trailed off noticing Alfred half asleep in my car. "What the hell?"