"That's still confusing. How can you have his child and he's not even aware of it, given how long you've been working for him? I thought things were going great between you two." I knew she had a lot of questions, but I wasn't in the mind space to explain.
"Jen, dear. It's a complicated and lengthy story. When I'm able, we can talk about it. However, thanks for staying with me yesterday and all you've done for Alfred in my absence. I've got to go. Let's talk later." We said goodbye and cut the call. For the rest of the morning, I moved about like a ghost. I was jittery, waiting for a call or any sign from Lorenzo. I tried to distract myself by playing with Alfred, but my mind wasn't in it.
Later in the afternoon, Jen came over. It was a surprise. I took comfort in the care and attention she paid me. We sat together on the couch in the living room watching Alfred play on the floor with his toys. Then she said, "Do you care to tell me what happened? I am so confused and worried. If this guy, Lorenzo, is a danger to you or Alfred, we could take legal action against him. You have no need to fear him." Her eyes showed a zeal to fight, and although we hadn't known each other for long, she treated me like a younger sister and friend.
"It isn't that. I am totally at fault. The last thing I could dream of doing is accusing him of a crime he would never commit. Trust me when I say, Lorenzo is not that type of man. He might get angry but that never controls him."
"What then did you do to warrant such a reaction?"
"I haven't told you the truth about how I had Alfred and what was involved. I was supposed to be a surrogate mom when…" I was cut short by a knock on my door.
I rose to my feet and went to answer it. A man was standing on my porch with an envelope in his hand. There was no expression on his weathered face. “Miss Goldwyn? A summons from the court. Please sign here." He pushed the envelope into my hand and showed me a piece of paper to sign. Stiffly, I took the pen proffered and dutifully signed.
The man nodded, looking satisfied, and left. In my hand was the dreaded document. I knew what I would find. Lorenzo had promised this but seeing a court summons in my hands made it even more real. "Crystal, what's that in your hand?" Jen asked from behind me.
I slowly turned and faced her, "The end of my happiness. He has come for my son."
Chapter 13
Jenstayedlongenoughto console me and help me go through the court summons. I was too shaken to do anything other than listen to Jen go on about getting a good lawyer. I told her I had none, and she promised to help me find one before the week ended. I was to appear before the court next week on Monday. Today was a Friday, which meant I had no time to do anything meaningful that would change the circumstances. I felt defeated. No lawyer could put up a great defense against Lorenzo's Ivy league crew.
Now, alone in my room, I considered giving up. There was no use - an extended legal battle would eat through my savings, and I'd still lose in the end. Who knows, I might be tried as a criminal or whatnot. I should spare myself the embarrassment and drive over to Lorenzo's home and give Alfred to him. I looked at his sleeping face. He seemed to feel the tension in the air because he cried whenever I left him alone and wouldn't sleep in his room. Around me, however, he relaxed.Alfred, you make my life worth living. I should not give up. Mama should at least try to keep you safe.
It would be cruel to leave everything to chance. I had to fight even if it was hopeless. I should try to talk to Lorenzo at least one last time before everything goes downhill. I hoped he would listen. I changed into a breezy shirt and denim skirt. I picked Alfred up from the bed. He was sleeping comfortably. When I brought him to my chest, he hugged my neck and slept soundly. I left the house and got into the taxi I had called. It was in the evening, and I remembered that on Fridays Lorenzo always left work early. I hoped I would meet him at home and ask, or rather beg, him so we could reach a better compromise than what the court would rule.
On the way there, Alfred woke up and sat by the window, watching the scenes blur as the car drove on. I flashed him a weak smile that didn't ease the tension I felt. I hadn't been to Lorenzo's home in years. The last time was to give him the good news, but now it was different. After what felt like an eternity, we arrived at the gate of his grand residence. After giving showing identity, the gate opened to let us in. The car drove in, and Alfred squealed in excitement.If only you knew, my son.
We passed rows of flowers and well-manicured bushes in addition to a spewing fountain before we reached the main door. Large oak double doors led into the house. I had never actually been inside since every interaction I had with him three years ago was away from his home - his ex-wife was paranoid about having me around, and I could guess why.
Before I stepped out of the car, the door opened, and Lorenzo stood there in his dress shirt and trousers. He looked halfway undressed.He just got back from work."Wait for me. Alfie, be good. I'll be back soon." The driver shrugged; Alfred nodded and returned his attention to the window. I stepped out of the car and quickly shut the door behind me. I was suddenly regretting bringing Alfred along.He could take him away from me right now.I steadied myself, swept the thought away, and put on a confident face.
Lorenzo still looked impassive. This would be a confrontation of will. I reached him and stayed just within arm's reach. "Hi. I want to talk to you." I sounded silly, but there was no helping it.
"Talk to my lawyers." His hands went to his side pockets, his face a representation of utter indifference.
"No. This has to be between you and me." I sucked in a deep breath and lowered my voice. "Our son… I know I made the wrong choices, and I'm working on making amends. However, this next step you've taken is drastic."
"Say what you want and leave, Crystal." He cut me off and when I looked into his eyes, he looked distant and cold.
"Fine. I want you to drop the charges. Let's settle this amicably between us as adults. I made mistakes and I know I'm wrong; however, I ask not to make our rift affect Alfred. We should get shared custody and take care of him as his parents." I looked at him, hopeful. There was no spark of interest nor disgust on his face - just a blank stare.
"Now that you're done talking, you should go home and prepare for the court appearance on Monday. You can say all this before the judge, and whatever they rule is what I will do. Bye, Crystal." He turned away from me and went back into the house. I stood there, dumbfounded, wondering who this man was. He was a whole lot different from the Lorenzo I knew.
Dejected, I walked back to the car. The car left swiftly, and I hugged Alfred, needing comfort from Lorenzo’s hatred. I couldn’t convince him, which meant I would meet him in court. My body felt cold, and nothing I did could change it. I prayed for a better outcome for Alfred.
Like a mirage, Monday came, and I still found myself unprepared. I took my time picking out an appropriate outfit, trying to make myself look presentable. I was to be in court on or before 12 p.m. Checking the time, I saw that it was past 10 a.m. Checking up on Alfred, he looked neat and clean. He hadn't soiled his new clothes yet. Due to my mood, I had dressed both of us similarly in dark colors.
I carried him and held his gaze. There was a look of genuine concern on his face. "Mama?" he asked in a soft voice. It was hard for me not to burst into tears.
"Alfred, it will be fine. You'll have papa soon and a good life. Mama loves you." I pressed him close to my chest and breathed in the divine scent of baby powder.
We had a bit of quiet time before the door swung open. Jen came in dressed in a light purple dress that made her look like a matron. On another occasion, I would have laughed, but I was in no mood today. "Hey, Crystal. How are you holding up?" she asked, coming to stand beside me.
I shrugged. I felt like a dried husk with nothing left to give. "Let's do this and get it over with." I said with confidence I didn't have. I walked ahead of her to go outside. Her car was already parked, so I entered on the passenger’s side. A few minutes later, she joined us.