"Thank you, Crystal. We'd be there in a minute. Let's go, Zo. I'm famished." Igor shrugged after his coat and followed Crystal. I rose from the couch and walked a step behind him. Whatever question I have, in the end there will be answers.
Chapter 9
Ifdecisionswereeasy,everyone would be making them daily on a whim. Scarlett had spoken at length to me about Lorenzo and asked what my thoughts were about him. I couldn't say anything without giving away my true intention. She had urged me to get together with him as soon as possible but that wasn't easy to do.
I enjoyed my time away with Lorenzo, so much so that I almost forgot the reality I left back home in America - Alfred. The guilt ate at my heart, knowing I was enjoying the best time of my life with his father, and he wasn't here. As Lorenzo was driving us back to the hotel, he looked to be at peace with himself, probably because things were better with his brother now. I imagined what kind of father he'd be to Alfred. I see him as more than just a man and my boss. He would make a good father, and I was the bad person for keeping father and son apart. I couldn't keep this secret for long. A time would come when I would have to reveal the truth. And I had to do it fast before things hit the fan.
"Lorenzo, have you ever thought of having a child after what happened?" He looked at me for a moment, then nodded.
"Yes. I have always wanted a family of my own, and I did everything to have that with Luna. Even when things ended, I still prayed that maybe there was still hope for me. The fact is, I wasn't a playboy in college so there's no chance I had have a child out of wedlock. Crystal, you know I wanted the surrogacy to work. Luna would never have been a great mother, but you… I believe you would be a fantastic mother."
"You'd be the best father, Lorenzo…" My voice was choked with emotion.
"Thank you." I fell silent, thinking about what we said. Was it too late to tell him about Alfred? I shook my head now wasn't the best time. When we were back in Northern California, and the time was right, I'd break the news to him. He would be devastated; but if I did the right thing, it would make it worthwhile in the end.
We got back to the hotel, and I slumped in bed, falling sleeping immediately. In a daze, I felt Lorenzo kissing my forehead and walking away. The next day, we left the hotel early. We got to the airport, and Lorenzo's private jet was already ready for the flight. I still marveled at how easy it was to travel by air when you had your own jet. I boarded the flight and settled down, preparing for a long flight home. I felt a sudden panic as if something was about to happen. I crushed that feeling; nothing was going to be wrong. After all, we were just going back home.
It was late at night when we arrived at the airport in Northern California. Lorenzo took my hand and led me out of the plane. Stepping on solid ground did well for my sense of balance. I felt right at home.
"Pretty wild to be back. I thought I'd never see California again. Thanks for getting me back home safely."
“You are still miles away from home, Crystal.” I saw a car driving toward us. It parked and Antonio walked out. He was a quiet but not shy guy.
"Sir and Miss, welcome back home." He opened the door of the and gave way for us to pass. I was beginning to feel like royalty.
"Thank you, Antonio." He bowed his head and faced Lorenzo.
"Thanks for the warm welcome, Antonio. Now, let’s get Crystal back home safely.”
Wait! What? That wasn’t part of the plan. Alfred and Jen were at home right now, expecting me. I wanted to see them at the door when I got home. Lorenzo couldn’t see his son like that. I didn’t want him to see Alfred unexpectedly. “Actually, Antonio, you can drop me off at the nearest stop outside the airport.” I got in the car, feeling nervous.
Lorenzo entered the car with me, a troubled look on his face. “Is something wrong?”
“No. I’m fine.” I gave him a strained smile trying to look carefree.
“No, you’re not. I picked you up from your place, and it would be better if I dropped you off at home since it’s on the way. Why are you so loathing to have me at your place, Crystal?” His tone implied a lot.
“That’s not it…. I just wanted you to get… Just take me home. I need to hit the hay.” I turned away from him, flushed. I had no excuse to give. I’d think of something. The car started as soon as Antonio got in after placing our luggage into the trunk. To avoid anything that could happen when I got home, I sent a text to Jen, “Emergence. Leave home for a while. I’ll call you. Please, ASAP. Thanks.”
A minute later, she sent a thumbs up. I breathed a sigh of relief. When he dropped me off, he would leave immediately, avoiding a confrontation for now. The car drove out of the airport swiftly getting on the road in seconds. A heavy silence settled between us, and I didn’t know how to break the ice.
Seeing that I could do nothing, I kept silent and tried to enjoy the ride. Northern California looked a bit unfamiliar even though I had been away only for a few days. I wanted to say something like make a funny comment about the situation. Nothing came to mind. The car continued its journey and an hour later, we were parked in front of my apartment.
“We’re here. Thanks for getting me home.” I was rooted to my seat. I didn’t want things to end on this note. “I’m sorry, Lorenzo. I was afraid of bringing you home to see my situation. I don’t expect you to understand. You should just know that none of this is to spite you.”
“We’ve come too far now to be worried about appearances, or do you take me for someone who looks down on people due to their circumstances? Crystal, I’m not such a person.” He was hurt by my remark, and I hated to give him that impression.
“I never thought that, and if I have that impression, then I’m sorry. You being here, makes me feel vulnerable and naked, so you should come in and look around.” As soon as uttered the request, I regretted it. I gnashed my teeth, cursing under my breath. Why did I make that offer? I had Alfred’s framed photos up in the sitting room and other baby stuff lying around. He’ll definitely be suspicious.
“I’d like that.” He looked curious and happy.What have you done, Crystal?
“Okay, let me get the door open first and tidy up. There might be lady stuff around… lying on the floor." The excuse was lame, but you couldn’t blame me – I wasn’t thinking clearly at that moment. He shrugged. I took that as ayesand stepped out of the car. The cool night air caressed my cheeks, making my heated head cool down a notch.
I had to clean up as much evidence of Alfred's presence as possible. Hopefully, Lorenzo just glances around for a while and leaves. I reached the door and unlocked it. As soon as I got in, I closed the door behind me and dashed around the apartment, taking down images of Alfred. His toys littered the floor, and I had to stow his stroller in a closet. I couldn’t get everything I wanted to hide. Some things were in the kitchen, but I assumed that Lorenzo had no need to enter the kitchen, so I kept them where they were. To be sure, I locked the door of Alfred’s room like it was a den of iniquity. I would give Lorenzo an excuse if he asked. I was breathing harder at this point, thinking about what to do next.
“Crystal, is everything okay in there?” Lorenzo had left the car and was now at the door. My heart took a minute to calm down as his voice had scared me.