We reached our table to find it covered with soft scarlet fabric. As we placed our drinks on the table, I wondered what next, we were going to do. I picked up my drink and took a sip.

“Beautiful lady! My goodness, Lorenzo, you are something else!" A booming ebullient voice sounded beside me, almost making me choke on my drink. I composed myself quickly, not wanting to make a fool of myself.

"Crystal, sorry about my dear friend here. This is Bruno Marshwood, wine connoisseur and CEO of Infinity Groups. Bruno, meet my lovely date, Crystal Goldwyn - a rising star in my company." I sized up the middle-aged man who had the energy and look of a much younger person. He bowed and took my hand, giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek. My initial irritation fell away. He looked like a fun character.

"It's a great pleasure to meet you, Mr. Marshwood," I returned the greeting, keeping a courteous smile on my face.

"Wow, beautiful and elegant. Lorenzo, you're a very lucky man. Dear Crystal, if he breaks your heart, just call me, and I'll take him down for you." He presented his card - a black card with gold lettering on it. I took it, feeling giddy. Infinity Groups was a company that dealt with the procurement and shipping of quality ingredients for wine making. Getting to have his personal contact so easily was a miracle.

"Thank you for your offer. Lorenzo is not just a gentleman but an amazing boss as well." I flashed a smile at Lorenzo who gave me an encouraging smile in return.

"I see. Would you care for a tour? Let me steal you away from him for a while."

"Go with him and have fun. I need to see some people too." He took his flute of champagne and walked toward someone. I faced Bruno who had an amused look on his face. Was our bond so obvious? Thankfully, he asked nothing. He brushed his mustache and made a sweeping gesture that said, “Shall we?"

I followed him around the building. He was very funny. I wondered how Lorenzo had become friends with him; it seemed that they had vastly different vibes. Bruno took me to meet various people, introducing me favorably. I was able to get more cards and approval from influential people - most of whom I didn't recognize.

Bruno then took me to meet his date, who was actually his wife. I drank with them for a minute, envying the easy romance between them. I felt a pang of desire, wanting something like that for myself. I noticed how both sneakily brought up the topic of Lorenzo. I was relieved that they didn't ask questions, but they expressed hurt and disappointment at what had happened to his previous marriage. Bruno especially focused on Lorenzo'schildlessnessand how his friend has been alone ever since Luna. I still didn't know the deal with Luna, but it must have been bad because it had hurt Lorenzo so much.

I felt a deep pain at the idea that he was childless. That was a lie - one I made possible by keeping Alfred a secret. I didn't know the reason they brought this up now, but it was getting too much. I excused myself and walked away from the couple. I strained my neck, trying to look for Lorenzo.

He would be noticeable anywhere he was, but the throng of bodies in the large room blocked my sight. I felt frustrated, losing all the enthusiasm I had mustered up earlier. I wanted to be with Lorenzo now. I carefully walked through the crowd, slowly and deliberately, while greeting and sharing drinks with people who stopped for a chat. At the end of the room was a raised podium arranged with several ornate bottles of wine - they were untouched. Below the podium was Lorenzo, with a drink in his hand laughing amiably with another woman. She was taller than most women in the room and had a wild charm about her. My heart tightened in my chest as panic made me think the worst.

If I thought everything through, I was just a convenient fuck for Lorenzo. He wouldn't end up with someone like me - a nobody. I was just arm-candy. I was naive to think something more could happen between us. I warned myself never to dream that big. The longer I watched them, the more they seemed to be the perfect couple in my eyes. It was too much to bear, so I turned away about to return to Bruno - or anyone else.

"Crystal! There you are. Please come." I heard his voice, and my heart skipped a beat. As if he had put a hex on me, I walked a stiffly toward him and the mystery woman. Closer now, I saw she was dressed in a white chiffon gown, cut expertly to show her beautiful skin. Everything about her seemed to radiate seduction. I inhaled, keeping my eyes away from her.

"Lorenzo, I was looking for you. I saw you were busy and thought it best to let you be." Although I didn't mean to sound petulant, my tone was aggrieved.

He saw that and his eyes grew dark, the smile falling away. I had done something wrong. "Mrs. Golden here was catching up on recent events in America. Esme, meet my assistant, Crystal, a very dear person to me." His arms went around me, and he held my gaze. My breath caught in my throat. I felt dizzy and exhilarated at the same time.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Golden." I didn't know what to do with my hands, so I gave a nod.

Esme covered her cherry lips and giggled. "Esme is fine, my dear. Lorenzo has told me a lot about you."

Oh really?It would be embarrassing to ask what he had said, so I just gave him a quick wink. He pulled me to him, bringing our bodies close together. He blew a breath at me, making me close my eyes. Then his lips met my parted ones. His tongue pried my mouth open, deepening the kiss. For a moment, I forgot how to breathe. I could taste the alcohol on his lips, and I felt intoxicated myself. I ignored Esme, who I'm sure was watching us with either horror or amusement – along with any other person who was standing by. It was just both of us and our lips, moving hungrily over each other’s.

His arms grew tighter, and I brought up my hands to wrap around his neck. I enjoyed the tickle of his beard against my skin, the press of his body on mine, and the heat rising in my limbs.

"Hello, love birds. The man of the hour is about to give a speech." Esme's voice was cool and unbothered, but what she said ended the kiss too soon for my liking.

Lorenzo put his hands on both of my cheeks and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Let's continue this later, eh?" Though he had asked this like a question, it certainly was not. I grew excited and forgot all the things I had warned myself about and, most importantly, the secret I wanted to hide. Lorenzo was letting me into his heart, and I was letting him into mine. What could go wrong?

Chapter 8


IacknowledgethatIam a bold man, but what I just did - kissing Crystal in public like - that was too bold. That was me basically announcing my intention toward her in bold words to anyone who saw us. Hadn't I wanted to keep my love life empty and free of complications? Now, I have made that impossible. I called her,a very dear person to me,right in front of Esme Golden, the wife of Elijah Golden. I crushed the urge to panic.

I still had a hand round Crystal's waist as I looked to the podium, waiting for Elijah to come on stage. I hadn't seen him around the building yet. He liked his dramatic entrances - even though he tried to act as if he was cold and severe.

The curtain behind the podium parted and Elijah walked out with a flourish. He wore a casual outfit that belied his wealth. I watched as he kept a cool face and marched up the row of wine bottles on the podium. I guessed that was the highlight of this wine tasting event.

"Good day, distinguished guests. I'm honored that you all are present here today. As you all know, wine appreciation is a passion of mine, and I love sharing excellent wines with the world. You all are here today because you share this passion. For over a year, I've gone around the world looking for unique wines. Most of what I found became too familiar, and I needed a new wine to spark my creativity. Thanks to my beautiful wife, Esme, who helped me throughout my journey, I was able discover wineries and awesome people who have great love for wine.

"This, people..." He gestured to the bottles of wine, "is what I found. Trust me when I say, these wines might be obscure and unheard of, but they have an exquisite and unique taste. Drinking them transports the drinker to distant lands and a bit of their cultures." He paused and looked around with scrutiny to see the group’s reaction.

I was intrigued. If the wines were as good as he said, Rosii Winery could contact these producers and refine our wines even more. It wouldn't be a stretch to even a new line since our loyal customers have been asking for something new.