"I have it all under control. Thanks, though." He dropped the topic and focused on his work. I did the same, working with a focus that to others would look admirable. Rather it was my way of avoiding looking at Lorenzo as he worked. When his face was a mask of concentration, I found it hard to resist him. The way his eyebrows pinched together, and his lips moved showing either his approval or disappointment. It made me want to go to him and let him use that same concentration on me.
I risked a glance at him only to catch him staring at me. I blinked slowly, then brought my head down as if I hadn't seen him. I became hyper aware of his eyes on me. I pretended to be oblivious to it but internally, I struggled between returning his stare and making myself look sexy as I worked.
When he stopped looking at me, I felt it. I eased a little and let the complexities of work sweep me away. For the rest of the day, I followed him to meetings with various heads of departments and private business meetings as well. We were able to pull off a huge deal for a billionaire who needed our drinks for his wedding. It was a huge order which got the company working quickly to expedite the process. We had no time to grab lunch during the day. When we had free time, I ordered takeout.
He was happy with the food. I took a small measure of happiness in that. I was already picturing preparing food and bringing it to work for him. For some reason, I didn't stop myself from that line of thinking. We went back to work - going through multiple contracts, sending emails to various clients and partners.
Time passed by in a haze, and by the time I stopped to take a break, I saw that the sun had set, and it was already dark. I checked my phone to see it was seven pm. I looked at Lorenzo to see he was still typing on his computer.
"Lorenzo, look at the time." I rose stiffly from my seat, stretching.
He looked at his wristwatch and shook his head. "I didn't realize we worked so late into the night. Everyone must have left."
"Work certainly does that. I've got to get back home before it gets any darker. I'm not a night person." I was already thinking about Alfred and Jen. Jen was too kind - she wouldn't disturb me unless it was an emergency, and Alfred must be asleep by now.
"I guess you don't have anything to do at home. Stay a while longer, after that we could eat at a restaurant then I would take you home." He rose from his chair and looked out the window. The sky was darker than usual.
"Thanks for the offer but I've got to get home now. My friend is waiting, and I'm sure she'd be mad at me for taking so long. I could work on the rest of these reports at home and send them back to you. For now, I've got to go back home." First, I wanted him nowhere near my home so soon. What if he asked to look around and saw Alfred?Trouble.
He looked like he was considering then nodded. “That will work. At least let me escort you out of the company." He had taken off his suit jacket earlier, now he was wearing it preparing to escort me.
Arranging everything I needed in my bag, I walked with him to the door. "You should get home early as well. From the looks of it, a storm is coming soon." I said, noting the change in the sky through the window. I looked at the weather predictions on my phone and saw it matched what I said.
"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. After taking care of some details, I'll get home." His deep voice showed how at ease he felt, I envied him for that.
We passed through several corridors where people had turned off the lights, but for the most part, the important ones were left on – for example, the elevator. It seemed the staff knew that Lorenzo spent hours working alone in the company at night. We reached the lower floor and approached the door only to find it locked. He took out a key card from his pocket and swiped it before a scanner.
The doors slid open to let in a large gust of frigid air that pushed me several feet back. Lorenzo yanked me to him as the air got wilder. He quickly shut the door. With my heart still beating erratically, I watched through the glass as the wind carried various objects through the air, hitting buildings and vehicles.
"The storm started sooner than expected…" he noted, still hugging me.
"I won't be able to get home until after the storm passes. The wind is getting fiercer." His eyes flashed with mirth, which he quickly disguised, or maybe I was imagining it. "Excuse me, I have to call my friend."
I left his embrace and walked out of his earshot. Calling Jen, she answered immediately. "Crystal! Finally, I've been trying to reach you. What's up?"
"I'm so sorry. I lost track of time and right now there's a storm stopping me from coming home. I'll be back as soon as I can."
"Don't rush to get back home. Your safety is important. You should find the nearest hotel to spend the night. I would stay over to watch Alfred."
"Jen, you're the best. How's Alfred?" My voice barely went above a whisper. Lorenzo was still some distance away, but I wondered if he had heard me.
"He has gone to sleep but not without asking after you."
"I will be back home soon, just hang tight." I ignored that she said I should stay in a hotel. I said a quick goodbye and cut the call. I walked back to Lorenzo.
"I suggest we get back to my office and wait out the storm," Lorenzo offered.
I agreed and we went back to his office. On the way, I could hear the howl of the wind. Through the window, I saw nothing but dust swirling in the air obscuring light from other buildings.This is going to be a long night.I entered his office and went to stand by the window. I was in no mood to work, and he seemed to be of the same mind.
We stood side by side watching the wind act out its mindless fury. Then it started to rain. The sound was muted when it reached me, but I knew outside it would be quite loud.
Suddenly, I started feeling colder than usual. Lorenzo noticed this and put a hand around me. Innocent - just being kind. His warmth shielded one part of my body. I was itching for more. His cologne was heady, and I wanted to fall into his strong arms. His face was expressionless. Boldly, I walked in front of him and rested my weight on him.
For a moment, I stood there awkwardly, I didn't dare to look at his face through the glass. Then, his muscled arms wrapped around my torso, resting on my waist. Our bodies stayed together as if glued. My ass pressed firmly on his crotch. I could feel the imprint of his arousal.
He was getting harder by the minute, but he said nothing, just held me tighter. My body was getting warmer, and I could feel my legs tremble in anticipation. A fierce heat ignited in my abdomen making me wet - wetter than I've ever been before. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and slowly ground his erection against me. I moaned, pushing back, and wanting more.
This was no time for thoughts or words. I just wanted his body on and in me. I gave him more space to kiss my neck. His mouth sent tendrils of fire coursing through my veins. I ran my hands through his hair, pulling on it in excitement. He groaned, taking a bite at my earlobe. I shivered. The excitement was getting too much.