Page 53 of Crown of Lies

But I kept to my task. For hours, and hours. By midnight, the rain had calmed, and fog collected so thick that Betty was hardly visible from my window. I could just make out her climbing wall of doom with the help of the building’s single yellow light.

Now it was my time to shine. Hoodie on and gloves in place, I exited the building and walked my usual route toward the campus. Under the cover of dense fog, I walked directly to the light magic building.

Clave’s window stared in silence. Watching me.

Chapter Nineteen

The back of my neck tingled. It was the same prickling awareness I’d had when I’d explored at night the first time. A rush of adrenaline turned my stomach and shook my core.

Someone was watching me.

But tonight was different. “I thought I told you not to stalk me, Razai. You can’t just watch me from the shadows after you promised not to.” Even hushed, my voice rang too loud.

A breath of wind caressed my back. “I don’t appreciate that accusing tone, Detective. You make me sound like a dangerous person.”

“Oh, yeah. You’re completely harmless.”

His arm brushed my jacket. All six-feet-and-something of him towered over me with a steady grace that nearly made me forget the cold. Those glittering eyes threatened to cut through every secret. Every wish. “The sass,” he teased.

“Whatever.” Ignoring the weird flutter in my stomach, I flattened my palm on the window and slid it open. Foot propped on the stone siding, fingers hooked over the windowsill, I pushed myself up and—“Hey!”

Arms wrapped around my middle, unforgiving as manacles. Razai hoisted me up and placed me on the ledge like I was as light as a kitten. He grinned and nudged me on. “You’ll waste time by arguing, Detective. In you go!”

He had a point. Stuffing the indignation down for later, I dropped down into the dark office. Razai followed, easing himself inside with liquid grace that definitely didn’t make me jealous. Damp hair swept across his brow, reminding me of dew drops on silk and wet river stones.

My dry mouth begged for water.

He slid the window shut, wiped the dirt from his hands, and glanced around like he was expecting a rave to explode out of the filing cabinets. “Well? Are we about to prank the smug bastard? Set fire to his desk? Soak his papers in slime?”

“Not helping,” I warned, unfurling my magic. The school had automatic warm lights that kept the campus slightly illuminated, but they also had the same lights in offices and classrooms. It was perfect for a search party.

Intuition flowed like a steady stream tonight, open and willing. She had practically pinned herself to this office and wouldn’t rest until I searched and found what she wanted.

I’d appreciate her helping and directing me a little better, but all she knew was that we were in the important place. The rest was up to me and my mundane skills. “Start looking around,” I instructed.

“Ordering me around already? Power’s going to your head, love,” he teased.

“Razai, this isn’t the time to joke,” I hissed, searching Clave’s desktop.

“Alright,” he relented. “But I’ll warn you. You’re not going to find anything but sugar-free snacks and instruction manuals in here.”

“Oh, so now my magic isn’t trustworthy enough for you,” I snapped, looking through the drawers next. Office supplies, copy paper, and class lessons occupied four of the drawers. Only one more to check. It was the biggest one on the bottom right. I sank down and pulled. “You hired me for a job. The least you could do is have confidence that I’m—”

The drawer didn’t budge. I wiggled. Nothing. “Damn. It’s locked.”

Razai crouched and searched along the side panels. “Might have a hidden mechanism. Clave’s always had a love for the antiques.” His thigh pressed against my knee as he shifted and felt around.

The touch of him burned. Heat flushed my cheeks. Breath frozen, I jerked myself away from his closeness, only to instantly scold myself.

What a juvenile response. Why should I care if he touched my stupid knee? People accidentally and casually brushed each other all the time. In fact, he’d just manhandled the shit out me. I was probably just on edge. That’s why my nerves jumped.

Still, I rubbed my hand over the spot as if to erase the imprint of it.

It doesn’t help that he’s beautiful. It doesn’t help at all.

Razai, oblivious as ever, hummed in consideration. The dim light outlined his profile in a soft, warm halo. Straight nose, strong jaw. Full, soft lips, the bottom one caught between his teeth as he searched.

He glanced over, expression unreadable and serious for once.