Page 157 of Crown of Lies

Fuck, why was I wasting time and not running with Azra—

I held her closer, and… wait.

Something was very, very wrong.

In my adrenaline-filled jump, I’d grasped onto Azra like she was nothing and even carried her dead weight in my arms when we’d started to glide. Adrenaline did incredible things.

But now?

Azra still didn’t weigh anything.

I shook her, and she moved and groaned like she probably would have, but she felt like air. Had I gotten stronger? Had that potion given me a weird side-effect?

The footsteps stopped. “Apologies,” a newcomer said, voice just as familiar as Razai’s.

I snapped my wings inward, and they vanished from sight. Grief ached in my chest even stronger.

“Clave,” I stated numbly, now staring at Azra with horror.

“They are quite beautiful. A shame they do not have a place in this world. The color is unique.”

“Gray isn’t unique,” I said automatically. Too tired to hide myself or care that I’d been caught.

The professor’s eyes dropped to Azra. “Now, to the point of my apology.” He waved a hand.

Azra disappeared.

My empty palms mocked me. They just held her. Just saved her from certain death. Even though I didn’t understand it, I said, “She was an illusion.”

But that was impossible. Illusions didn’t work like that.

Did they?

Razai drifted downward, elegant as an angel should be with his shimmering white wings. They vanished the moment his feet touched the grass.

Hatred stung again. Not only because of the lies, but knowing this whole experience was nothing but a performance made me want to scream. “Why?” I bit out, this one given only to Razai.

He didn’t have a smirk for me this time. “Because I had to know for certain.”

“That I had wings?” I demanded, my blood growing hotter and hotter.

“Yes,” he confirmed. “After the first week of observing you, I concluded you had Demonic bloodlines, though I could never have guessed how strong.”

“How the fuck could you possibly know? And why the fuck would that matter?” I took a threatening step toward the archangel, as if I could actually scare him at all.

Razai kept his expression professionally neutral. If my outburst pissed him off, he hid it well.

Clave cleared his throat. “Perhaps it would be wise to move this delicate conversation to a more secure location? I believe the best place is—”

“I’m not going anywhere with either of you,” I snarled.

Clave’s beautiful, chiseled face held nothing but the cold. “I’m afraid you don’t have a choice.”

With a sureness I didn’t expect, I lifted my chin and promised, “If you touch me, you will regret it for the rest of your life, angel.” The elixir still surged through my blood. Softer now, but it had enough juice and fury to help me cause a little damage. What would happen if I invaded Clave’s mind, for instance?

Clave regarded me with curiosity. And a little apprehension.

Razai chuckled. “I’d listen if I were you, Clave.”