I caught a whiff of his cologne – subtle, expensive, and overwhelmingly masculine.
His lips brushed my ear, and my eyes half-closed in a haze of desire.
“Youwillbemy whore,” he whispered. “Butonlyfor me… and no one else.”
Then he let go of my hair and pulled away from me.
I was furious –
I was afraid –
And yet there were stirrings inside me more powerful than anything I’d ever felt before.
“Massimo, take her to get her things while I talk to her father,” the stranger said.
Massimo gestured with his head like,Come on.
I looked at my father.
He glanced at Don Rosolini… then looked back at me and nodded.
I angrily went to my room upstairs with the Bear trailing along behind me.
Massimo stood guard as I retrieved several dresses and a negligee from my wardrobe.
When it came time to get my bras and underwear, I cleared my throat. “Could you…?”
“Oh,” he said in a voice even deeper than his boss’s. Then he looked away, almost in embarrassment. “Of course.”
I gathered the things from my dresser and wrapped them inside my dresses. “Alright.”
He looked at my bundle of clothes and frowned. “Don’t you have a suitcase?”
He looked mystified.
I shrugged. “I’ve never gone anywhere before, so there was never a need.”
He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head like,Makes sense.
Then he started to lead the way back down to the café…
But I stood still, afraid of what would happen when I went back downstairs.
Massimo realized I wasn’t following and looked back.
Rather than becoming impatient, he smiled gently. “Nothing will happen to you. When my brother gives his word, he never breaks it.”
I looked at him in shock. “He’s your brother?!”
“So is Adriano. There are six of us.”
I realized it should not have surprised me so much. TheCosa Nostrawas all about fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, cousins…
There was no reason they would not all be involved in the family business.