And as he kissed me, his hands touched me everywhere.
Allover my body.
Gliding down my arms…
Caressing my back…
Cupping my ass…
One hand gently stroking my right breast…
Making my firm nipple even harder…
And then gliding down to the thatch of hair between my legs.
I felt drunk…
And I lifted my hands for the first time to touchhim.
I could only touch him because my eyes were closed. That way I didn’t have to watch myself sin.
My fingers glided over his massive shoulders…
The rippling muscles of his back…
I even traced my fingers across his rock-hard abs.
Then he pressed himself against me, and I felt something hard.
I broke off from the kiss so I could look down.
Inside his pants, his…
Was huge and stiff as it jutted at an angle to the side.
My jaw dropped open as I stared at it.
No matter how big his cock had looked when it was dangling in the shower, it wassomuch bigger now, even though it was still hidden beneath his slacks.
So THAT was what Cat meant about it getting hard…
I reached out a trembling hand and touched it…
Cupped it with my palm…
Ran my fingers down the length of it…
Held it tight in my grasp.
I could feel the heat of it radiating through the cloth.
Dario groaned –