“Indeed. If you hear anything of interest, you should contact me immediately. Massimo, give the man our number.”
The Bear reached into his suit and produced a business card. It looked ludicrously small between his giant fingers.
So the Bear’s name was Massimo…
My father took the card and nodded. “Of course,padrone.”
“I would greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter.”
“Absolutely, Don Rosolini.”
“And until I am sure I have your utmost cooperation… I’m going to take your daughter with me as collateral.”
The words stunned me – and they equally surprised my father.
Papa blinked. “Um… excuse me,padrone?”
“Are you deaf?” the Hothead snarled.
Themafiosoglared at the Hothead. “Adriano.”
So the Hothead’s name was Adriano.
After the one-word rebuke, Adriano fell silent.
Then Don Rosolini turned back to my father. “I repeat: I’m taking your daughter as collateral while you gather more information for me.”
“What?!” I cried out angrily. “No!”
All four men – themafioso,Massimo, Adriano, and my father – looked at me in surprise.
Of course, my father’s surprise was more like horrified shock.
The mafia don’s expression was far more amused.
“I am afraid you don’t have a choice in the matter,” he informed me.
“Is thatso?”I snapped.
I turned to walk out of the room –
But Massimo the Bear stepped in front of me. His speed was surprising for a man of his size.
He looked down at me and gently shook his head like,That wouldn’t be a good idea.
I stepped back and didn’t move.
“Padrone…please, I beg of you, not my daughter,” my father whispered.
“Don’t worry – she’ll be well taken care of. You may have her back when you have more information about your visitor this evening.”
“But sir, I know nothing – ”
“Which is why I know you’ll find outsomethingfor me.” The don turned to Massimo. “Take her to get her belongings.”
“Sir – ” my father said as he stepped forward abruptly, which I guess was slightly threatening –
Because Adriano shot forward, grabbed my father by the collar, and pushed him back.