Page 63 of Mafia Kings: Dario

“I know,” was all I murmured.

“More and more, I find the people around me are either my enemies or paidoffby my enemies.”

“Don’t you have allies?” I asked.

“Not since my father died, it seems,” he said bitterly.

Neither of us said anything else for a couple of minutes.

Finally I removed the wet towel, dried his hand, and began to dab a sweet-smelling ointment on his skin. Then I wrapped a bandage around his knuckles and his palm.

The process was slow and relaxing. Eventually my fear began to subside.

His hand was huge – it dwarfed mine. And his fingers were so calloused… so rough and manly…

When I finished, I put everything back on the tray. “I’ll leave you now.”

I got up to go and was halfway to the door when he spoke.


I turned slowly to look at him. My stomach was churning. “…yes?”

He smiled evilly. “You disobeyed me. Did you think you were going to escape unpunished?”

My heart skipped a beat.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I promise not to do it again.”

He stood up behind the desk. “I don’t care what you promise you’ll do in the future; I only care what you’ve alreadydone.Now came here.”

I timidly walked back to the desk, afraid of what he might do.

“Take off your panties,” he commanded.

I stared at him. “W-what?”

“You heard me.”


I came up with the stupidest excuse possible.

“…I can’t. My hands are full.”

“Put it down.”

I swallowed hard, then put the tray on top of the desk.

“Now do it,” he ordered.

“I… please, don’t,” I said, my eyes welling up.

He rounded the desk and snarled, “I don’t want your tears – I want you toobey me.Now take off your panties.”

I steeled myself as I imagined the most terrible things he was about to do to me.

I slowly bent down to the hem of my dress…