Page 53 of Mafia Kings: Dario

His skin felt leathery, his fingers bony.

“I’m glad you’re alright,” he said as he patted my skin.

“Can you find the phone, please?” I asked, trying to hurry him up. “I really need to call my father.”

“Of course, of course,” he said soothingly as his eyes roved along the ceiling. “I just want you to know that you’re safe here.”

“Thank you,” I said, not convinced at all.

“How did you say you escaped?”

“There was a passageway.”

“And where was it, exactly?”

I frowned. “What does it matter?”

A sound came from behind the door to the church.

I whirled around.

The door was still closed.

“Is there someone else here?” I asked, frightened.

“No, of course not,” the priest said. “This is a very old building… it makes sounds sometimes.”

I stared at the door… but I heard nothing else.

“I need to call my father,” I repeated.

“Of course, of course,” he said soothingly. “I’ll get up and find the phone in a moment. I just wanted to make sure you’re alright. The Rosolinis are monsters – I’m sure it was terrifying being held there against your will.”

“It’s fine. Nothing happened.”

“Of course, of course. You’re safe now. That’s all that matters.”

He still held my hand in his, which felt creepy… but I couldn’t very well yank it away from him.

Suddenly there was another sound behind the door, like shoes scuffing on stone.

“Father, are you sure there’s no one else here?!” I asked in a panic.

“I promise you, my child, we are alone.”

I listened intently –

But I heard nothing else.

The priest chuckled. “If anyone could hear an intruder, it would be me – would you not agree?”

I looked at his blind eyes searching the air above me. “I guess…”

“Now, the passageway you mentioned – the one from the Rosolini’s mansion – ”

“Why do you care?!” I exclaimed, then desperately cried out, “I need to call my father! If you’ll just tell me where the phone is, I’ll find it on my own!”

I tried to pull my hand away –