Page 39 of Mafia Kings: Dario

But as I drank more wine, I began to see it as a challenge. I would keep my eyes locked onto his, almost as though I was daring him to look away first.

But he never did.

His eyes would drink me in… and I would begin to feel hot…

Almost like I could tell he was undressing me in his mind…

Until finally I would look away, uncomfortable with how my body responded to his gaze.

None of this improved my mood…

And it all came to a head at the end of dinner.

“I would like to leave the grounds tomorrow,” I announced. “Temporarily.”

“What for?” Niccolo asked.

“I want to go to church.”

It was actually a ruse to get off the estate. I didn’t care so much about going to church as I did contacting my father –

Or maybe escaping altogether.

“There’s a private chapel in the western wing of the house,” Dario said. “Go there.”

“I can’t say confession there,” I protested.

Dario leaned back in his chair and smirked. “What horrible sins have you committed, exactly?”

“None as bad as yours, I’m sure,” I snapped.

I immediately regretted it.

You FOOL!I thought.What are you DOING?!

Everyone’s eyes immediately went to Dario.

His smirk didn’t fade, though.

If anything, he seemed amused by my challenge to his authority.

“I’m sure if you ask, God will forgive you,” he said in a mocking voice.

I replied with my own brand of mockery. “Perhaps you don’t understand how these things work, having never set foot in a church before, but I need to speak with a priest.”

“The priests around here are worse than usmafiososyou so despise. Trust me, you’ll be better off in the chapel.”

“I want to – ”

“No,” he interrupted sharply. “Now stop asking.”

I narrowed my eyes and sneered, “But I reallyshoulddo penance for all the hatred I feel in my heart.”

“Hatred is nothing. Be more concerned about what you feel between your thighs.”

The way he stared me straight in the eyes when he said it –

The way he made meblush–