Page 35 of Mafia Kings: Dario

“I am.”

“Niccolo said you saved Dario’s life twice in prison.”

“I did.”

“And that’s why they trust you?”

“It is.”

“Were you in the military, too? In Sweden?”

“I was.”

“That’s why you’re such a good shot?”


“You’re talkative, aren’t you?”

He smiled again. “I would talk more, Alessandra, if I knew my secrets were safe with you.”

“What secrets?”

“Who I am. What I’ve done. Who I work for.”

“I already know those things.”

“And I see no need for you to know more.”

“Then why bring me here?”

“It wasn’tmychoice.”

I remembered how Niccolo had complained to Dario last night about him bringing me back to the house.

I also knew that Niccolo was the only one who dared contradict his brother.

No one else would cross Dario…

But Lars had just revealed that not everyone else agreed with Dario’s choice.

Probablynoneof them did.

“Whydidhe bring me back here?” I asked.

Lars shrugged. “Dario does what he wants. But I think you know the risk he’s taking by bringing you here. You’ve seen a great deal. You could say the wrong things to the wrong people.”

“Andthenyou would shoot me.”

Lars shook his head. “Not me.”

“Who, then?”

He looked at me silently, and I knew the awful answer:


Dario would be the one to end my life if I stepped out of line.