I looked at Lars warily. Of all the people I had encountered, he was the one I feared the most – because of what I had seen him do in my father’s café.
The others were frightening in their own right. Adriano had a terrible temper, and Niccolo concealed a sinister side beneath his friendly chatter –
Actually, I take that back.
I feared Dario the most.
He was like a silent wolf, always watching me like he might devour me at any second.
However, I also had other feelings for Dario that partly offset my fear.
When he was close to me, my body reacted in ways I had no control over.
Lars was very handsome, yes, but I felt nothing for him. And every time I looked at him, all I could picture was him killing the man in the café.
He seemed to know exactly what I was thinking, because he said, “You have nothing to fear from me.”
“Riiiight. I havenothingto fear from the man tracking me with a gun.”
“I was ordered to keep you safe. Which, you must admit, I just did.”
“Yes, but the snake’s not theonlything I’ve seen you shoot.”
“The man last night was a snake, as well. Just a different type.”
“Let me guess – you were protecting melast night,too,” I said sarcastically.
“No. I was protecting the family.” He meant the Rosolinis. “Although, one could argue that I protected you by walking out of the café after it was over.”
I trembled slightly. It was true – he could have killed me easily. And it probably would have been in his best interest to do so.
The thought made my blood run cold.
“Whydidn’tyou kill me?” I asked quietly.
“I thought the snake was a bigger threat,” he joked.
“You know what I meant. Why didn’t you shoot me last night?”
“Why would I?”
“I was the only witness – and you looked right at me. I could have identified you to the police.”
“I don’t kill women or children. Ever.”
“What if they ordered you to?” I asked, gesturing with my head towards the house.
“They wouldn’t.”
“That’s a first,” I muttered. “Mafiososnot willing to kill someone.”
“They’re different than you think.”
“How so?”
“You should ask Niccolo or Dario. It’s not my place to talk about the family’s business. But let’s just say that they aren’t your ordinary, everydaymafiosos,” he said, gently mocking my choice of what to call them.
“Hm,” I said as I walked with him back towards the house. “Are you Swedish?”