There was only one moment I lost control, and then only slightly…
When she angrily said, “I am not awhoreto be bargained over.”
Her anger covered up her fear, which I could feel beneath her bravado…
But I could read her yearning even more clearly.
It radiated off her like heat –
And my own cravings responded in kind.
I walked over to her, grabbed her hair, and forced her head back to look at me.
I saw the terror in her eyes –
But also desire.
Desire to be taken.
A good little Catholic girl who would never lift a finger to sin…
But who wouldn’t mind if a bad man did the sinning for her.
I leaned down to whisper in her ear so the others would not hear.
Just a little something for her and no one else – between the two of us.
A taste of what was to come.
Her hair smelled faintly like roses, and I wanted her all the more.
“Youwillbemy whore,” I whispered. “Butonlyfor me… and no one else.”
Then I let her go.
Her look of shock – and desire – was priceless.
Part of me wanted to ravage her right there – to lay her back on a table and fuck her like an animal.
After four years in prison and never touching a woman…
To suddenly encounter the most alluring beauty I had ever seen in my life –
It was difficult, but I controlled myself.
Right now, her father was of strategic importance to the family.
And family came first.
I needed her father to reveal what was going on. I needed him to tell mewhymy enemy had been in his café that night.
That was why I made the promise not to take her virginity.
To gain bothhistrust… and hers.
Of course, I threw in the line about ‘until she begs me’ because it amused me…
But also because it let the old man know that his daughter was in danger if he didn’t cooperate.