“Uh… okay,” I said with a tremulous voice.
I looked fearfully at Cat over my shoulder as I walked out of the kitchen.
She gave me a thumbs-up and smile likeYou’ve got this!
The last thing I heard as I closed the door was Cat giggling and gasping, “Oh!” –
And then the pantry door opened and quickly shut.
Istood outside his bedroom for almost 30 seconds before I found the courage to knock on the closed door.
More like gentle rapping, really.
Actually, just the faintest tap.
There wasn’t any answer, so I turned to go –
“Come in,” Dario’s voice said from within.
I winced.
Oh no…
When I opened the door and walked in, I felt like I was wearing lead boots.
Then I gasped.
Dario was leaning over his desk, looking at something on a laptop.
He had on dark slacks –
But the rest of him was naked.
His skin was still damp from the shower. Droplets of water traced the curves of his muscles, and his wet hair hung in strands across his forehead.
He looked up, saw me, and his mood darkened.
“Close the door,” he ordered.
I shut it with a trembling hand.
He stood up and walked over to me.
His massive chest rippled, and his abs cast shadows from the bright light of the windows.
He had all sorts of tattoos: black swirling patterns, guns, skulls, phrases in Italian like ‘Family Above All.’
They seemed dangerous… mysterious… and I stared at them in wonder.
Well… actually, I was staring at his gorgeous body, and the tattoos just happened to be there.
He stopped right in front of me and looked down. Even in his bare feet, he towered above me.
“You came into my room earlier,” he said.
It wasn’t a question.