Page 6 of Mafia Kings: Dario

This was news to me.

“Grazie,”the mystery man said. “What’s your name?”

“Enzo Calvano. May I offer you a drink, Don Rosolini?”

“The only thing I need is information. I understand that a man was killed in your establishment earlier tonight.”

“Yes,” my father said as he gestured at the curdled pool of blood on the stones.

“Did you see the killer?”

“No,” my father said. “I was in the kitchen.”

Don Rosolini turned his dark eyes to me. “Did your… daughter see him? I assume she is your daughter?”

“Yes,” both my father and I said at once.

Themafiososmiled as he stared into my soul. “Did you see the killer?”

Before I could answer, my father hastily interrupted. “No, she only saw a man in a black jacket and hat.”

The Hothead spoke for the first time. “He asked HER, old man, not y– ”

Don Rosolini held up one hand, and the Hothead immediately stopped talking.

The mystery man turned to me. “Well? Did you see him or not?”

I glanced at my father –

“Don’t look at him. Look at me,” themafiosoordered.

I gazed into his eyes, which seemed to pull me into their depths.

“And I warn you,” he continued, “you shouldalwaystell me the truth. Because you have no idea what I know… and if I catch you in a lie, the consequences will beveryunpleasant. Do you understand?”

I swallowed hard. “Yes.”

“Did you see the killer?”


“What did he look like?”

“He was tall… blond, with a beard… blue eyes. He might have been Swedish.”

I glanced over at my father, who looked absolutely terrified. I wondered if I had done the right thing.

When the don spoke again, his voice was quiet. “Why did you lie to the police?”

I frowned in astonishment. “How did you know that?”

He smiled, and it sent shivers down my spine. “I have friends in theQuestura.”

TheQuesturawas the police department based out of Florence.

So the devil had infiltrated law enforcement, as well.

“It was my fault,signore,” my father said in a pleading voice. “She is my only child, and I did not want her to get wrapped up in this… this – ”