Page 25 of Mafia Kings: Dario

I don’t know if he didn’t think I saw –

Or if he just didn’t care.

Caterina certainly did. She blushed bright red and looked at him likeWhat are you DOING?!

But she had a gigantic smile on her face when she did it.

Valentino grabbed an apple out of a fruit bowl as he walked out of the room. “Don’t give awayallthe family secrets,capiche?”

He gave Cat a wink, me a smile, and then he was gone.

She sighed heavily as he left – a lovelorn sound.

I looked between her and the doorway. “Are you and he…?”

She giggled, then grew very serious. “You can’t tell anyone, alright?”

Suddenly I remembered what Niccolo had said last night:

Hands off, Valentino! Stick to banging the help!

I didn’t want to tell her it wasn’t exactly a secret, so I just nodded. “To my grave.”

She giggled again and looked off into the distance dreamily. “It’s been going on for two months now…”

“So… you’re dating secretly?”

She smirked. “I wouldn’t exactly call it ‘dating.’”

“Are you going to marry?” I asked innocently.

If they were sleeping together, that was the only honorable end result, after all.

Caterina burst out laughing.

“ME? Marry a Rosolini? Ifonly. I’d never have to work another day in my LIFE.”

She sighed again, this time wistfully.

“But he’s practically royalty, and I’m just a servant.”

Then a shadow passed over Cat’s face, along with a twinge of anger.

“Plus he’ll never settle down. Not to mention that ALL Rosolini men are dogs.”

Then she grinned and rolled her eyes back in her head.

“But they can FUCK.Madonn,can they fuck.” She fanned herself with her hand. “Best sex of my life by FAR.”

I blushed to hear her say it.

No oneI knew talked like Cat –

But her words made me think of Dario again, standing over my bed as I lay there in my negligee… and the heat from my face seemed to travel to between my thighs…

Suddenly a voiceharrumphedbehind me.

I turned to see Filomena standing in the doorway.