Adriano was the Hothead.
Massimo was the Bear.
Lars was the Blond.
Roberto was the Banker. I seriously would have expected him to work in finance, not in the mafia.
Valentino was the Loverboy, the ladies’ man.
Niccolo was the Trickster –
But Dario was stillil Mostro.
A chill ran down my spine every time I glanced over at him and saw him watching me like a predator looks at its prey.
I thought of Filomena’s warning:
Don Rosolini just returned home after four years in prison… he has not had a woman to the estate since his arrival… never be in a room alone with him.
The way Dario looked at me, I understood all too well what she meant.
Suddenly Niccolo plopped down on the leather seat across from me. He smiled warmly. “Well,bella,you’ve certainly had quite the evening, haven’t you? Have another sip of your brandy.”
I choked down a bit more. I had no desire to run afoul of aconsigliere.
“So… this fellow Lars dispatched so abruptly…” Niccolo shot the blond man a stern look like he was a very naughty boy indeed, then turned back to me. “Had you seen him in your café before?”
“Think hard. You’re quite sure you’d never seen him before?”
“I’m sure.”
“Do you think your father might have been acquainted with him?”
I thought of the ugly man and his final words to me:
Tell your father my compliments to the chef.
A flicker of fear passed through me – and it did not go unnoticed.
Niccolo leaned forward. There was something in his manner that reminded me of a serpent eyeing a baby chick. “What was that?”
“What was what?”
“That little twitch,” he said, gesturing to his own face. “You had a thought just now. What was it?”
Perhaps it was the brandy that gave me courage…
Or perhaps I was just tired of being pushed around all evening.
Either way, I snapped, “I was wondering what kind of a man badgers a woman who’s just seen someonemurdered– and by someone else in the same room, no less.”
Valentino snickered over by the wall.
But Niccolo… Niccolo gave me a cold smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
“You’re lying to me,bella,”he said quietly. “It would be a very good idea for you to tell me the truth.”