Page 135 of Mafia Kings: Dario

“But his father was involved in it,” I said.

“And Dario’sstoppingit. In fact, you probably got shot at in Florence because Dario refused to let the Turk do anything in his territory.” Lars paused for a second, then shrugged. “Well…Ithink that’s what happened, anyway.”

“The Turk… Fausto and Dario talked about him a lot.”

“I forgot, you were there. Yeah, he was the bastard we had a meeting with while you were in Florence.”

We had finally reached a stretch of road that I recognized even in the dark: the street leading up to the village of Mensano.

“My father’s place is up here on the right,” I said.

“I know,” Lars said with a half-smile. “I’ve been here before, remember?”


He pulled up next to the café. All the lights were out – which made sense, as it was nearly midnight.

Lars pulled out my phone, which I hadn’t seen since Dario took it from me the night he’d taken me prisoner.

“Here,” he said as he handed it to me. “Do you have a key to get in?”

“I know where the spare is hidden.”

“Do you want me to go in with you?”

“No… I’ll be fine.”

Lars looked into my eyes as though searching for something. “You sure I can’t convince you to come back with me? I think you can probably patch things up with Dario.”

I smiled sadly and shook my headno.

He sighed. “Alright… well, it was worth a shot.”

He paused for a second, then continued. “I programmed my personal number into your phone. I know Roberto gave you his card, and he can help you with money – that’s his specialty – butIcan help you if you’re ever in danger. If you need anything – anything at all – give me a call, day or night.”

“Thank you,” I whispered.

He held out a hand as though wanting to shake.

Though a little surprised at how impersonal it seemed, I reached out to take his hand –

But he pulled it back, turned his finger and thumb into a gun, and said“Pew pew”like he was shooting the world’s quietest pistol.

I gave him a look likeREALLY?!

Lars laughed out loud. “Sorry – I couldn’t resist.”

Then he leaned forward and gave me a hug. “Good luck, Alessandra. Call if you need me.”

“I will,” I promised.

When the hug was over, I got out of the car.

Lars waited until I reached the café and found the spare key hidden in the flower bed.

I unlocked the door and waved.

The Mercedes flashed its lights, pulled out into the road, and drove back the way we had come.