“Hey, Amara. Can I talk to your Nonna?”
For a second,when I woke up, I forgot where I was. I thought I heard Gemma’s infectious giggle. I scrubbed my face and stretched. One more day. I had been looking forward to it until yesterday. The run in with Leo was confusing, and I spent a good portion of the evening trying to figure out why the hell it bothered me so much that he looked at me like he did. Like there were a thousand things he wanted to say, but he couldn’t.
From now on, I wasn’t going to watch any chick flicks with Amara. She always chose the shit that could make even the biggest non-believer into a hopeless romantic. Leo was not the male lead in my romance. He was a goddamn mafia boss and this whole thing was a revenge plot gone wrong. I’d stop pining like an idiot once I got the hell out of here and away from him.
Another giggle made me sit up just before my door burst open and my sisters came flying into the room, tackling me. It took a second for my brain to catch up before I could wrap my arms around them and squeeze them tight.
“What are you two doing here?”
Gemma sat up, pulling me with her. “Nonna said you were having boy problems, and we had to come help you.” She wriggled under the blankets with me, hugging my side. I made a face.
“I do not have boy problems.”
A snort from the door made me look up. Nonna shook her head. “Sure you don’t. You’ve just been avoiding your fiancé like the plague. Get dressed. If you don’t hurry, we’ll be late for brunch with my social group.”
I was poked and prodded by my sisters and Nonna. They gave me no time to ask any more questions. Gemma laughed at me when she realized I wasn’t wearing any pants, and Amara begged to pick out my outfit. Nonna sat on my bed, watching it all like it was one of her soap operas. I was dressed and ready in record time, Gemma clinging to my back as we made it down the stairs.
My smile fell, and I grew uneasy when I noticed Leo standing in the kitchen. He was talking with Mikey, who grinned at me.
“Look who willingly joined the land of the living. About damn time, I’m going to lose a ton of–” He fell silent under Leo’s dark look. Clearing his throat, he gestured toward the door. “Never mind. Let’s go.”
“Nonna said I’m driving,” I smirked, holding out my hand. Mikey glanced at Leo, who’s eyes narrowed, but I wasn’t waiting around for permission. He didn’t own me.
“You can hand them over or I can get them myself.” The keys were probably in his pocket and I was willing to bet if I went after them, Leo would kill him. Mikey must’ve thought the same thing, because he dug the keys out and tossed them to me without hesitation. Leo stayed silent as he followed us outside. Since Mikey’s car wasn’t that big, I knew Leo wasn’t coming with us. I didn’t even want Mikey to come, but not even Papa would let us go out by ourselves. And I wouldn’t want to put my sisters into danger just because I was stubborn. I could even see Mass and Alonzo sitting in their car parked on the street, waiting to follow us. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow when I was done with all this shit.
We all piled in, Mikey in the front seat next to me, the girls and Nonna in the back. Leo leaned his hands against the open window, his now ever present frown in place, but I kept my eyes forward, doing my best to ignore him.
“Call if you have any issues.”
“Will do, Boss.”
He stepped back, watching me as I pulled out of the driveway. I glanced at him once as I was pulling away. He still looked tired, his posture rigid, but he nodded once. I felt myself release a breath I didn’t realize I had been holding, like I was waiting for his permission to go. Irritated with myself, I left Leo’s neighborhood as fast as I safely could. I wouldn’t drive insane with my sisters in the car.
* * *
Nonna’s social group was a bunch of old biddies meeting up once a week to gossip and eat under the guise of a book club. I was pretty sure none of them actually read anything. They liked to pick restaurants that had good views so that they could people watch and judge to their heart’s content. She left to join them immediately and shooed us to our own table. Mikey stood by the wall, watching the room, which gave me the chance to talk to my sisters without any eavesdropping.
“So, really, why are you here? No way Viola knows you’re with me.”
Gemma shook her head. “Nonna told Mamma that we were coming with her to her social group for Grandparent’s Day.”
Amara giggled. “I still can’t believe she bought that. Nonna never brings us to her social group. She says it’s not a PG gathering.”
I could believe that. I’d gone to her social group only once when she got fed up with Viola treating me like shit. Those old ladies are raunchy and teased me relentlessly because I was just barely a teenager and hadn’t lost my virginity yet.
“I think it was Leo’s idea for us to come. He called me last night to talk to Nonna,” Amara supplied.
I frowned. What is he trying to accomplish by having me visit with my sisters? It wouldn’t change my mind about tomorrow. I was still leaving.
I decided to just enjoy brunch with my sisters. I might not get to see them much once I move out, not unless it was a family gathering at Nino’s. I had no idea how I was going to break it to Gemma.
“So, do you really have boy problems?” Amara asked.