“I have no doubt. If she didn’t give a shit, she would’ve hurt him. She’s got a thing for kids, though, so she’ll use what she’s got on hand instead.”
He nodded and shoved his thumbs through his belt loops. “She likes kids. That’s good, right?”
He was referring to the wedding. It had become a source of gossip and gambling in the family on how our relationship would go once we tied the knot. Nicole liking kids and having them were two different issues entirely, but I let Mikey keep his assumption. For all I knew, Nicole wanted a whole busload of kids. It was hard to imagine, given she’d been armed for the most part since I met her. After I slipped my hand into her dress, I felt the strap that held a knife to her leg. It was one of the reasons I kept going. I couldn’t control myself. Apparently I had a thing for armed and dangerous. And the fact that she never reached for it once as I touched her was a big ego boost. She didn’t hate me as much as she thought.
* * *
When I picked up Frankie to join me at the Morelli house the following morning, he was suspicious. People knew better than to question me, but Frankie was apparently trying to grow some balls.
“Are you gonna tell me why I’m here this time?”
I raised an eyebrow but didn’t reply. He was scowling, his arms crossed.
“Nicole says you like to keep me in the dark. Maybe if you gave me some warning, I wouldn’t have been manipulated last night.”
“Pretty sure even if I warned you, you would’ve reacted the same. She’s eons ahead of you in manipulation.” I didn’t feel bad. Frankie was doing his best, but I tried not to tell him shit because he had absolutely no poker face and I didn’t want him giving away his purpose. The only reason I let him in on the plan today was because I felt like he’d be more of a pain in the ass if I didn’t. “Today, you’re working to get back on her good side. You pissed her off last night, enough that she was willing to let you get your ass handed to you by manipulating you into leaving her alone.”
He frowned, watching as we pulled up to Morelli’s house. “Why do you want me to stick close to her? She’s your fiancée.”
I got the feeling Frankie was upset at Nicole for setting him up. He looked uncomfortable, his eyes darting towards the house and away several times. I gripped his shoulder and waited until he locked eyes with me.
“If there’s anyone to learn about manipulation from, it’s a Morelli. Besides, she likes you and that makes her less likely to go after our family. You’re an asset. Until after the wedding, at least. Not sure how useful you’ll be after that.”
He snorted, rolling his eyes at me. It relaxed him, though, and he followed me inside with no more complaints.
Given that it was still early, I didn’t expect Nicole to be awake. I kept Frankie with me and let him get a feel of what went on in the dozens of meetings I had each week. I could tell he was bored, but he had no usefulness until Nicole was awake and since her brothers had been violent lately, I didn’t want him wandering around.
It wasn’t until Morelli got interrupted by a phone call that we went looking for her. She wasn’t in her room, so I thought we’d catch her in the kitchen, but only Amara and Gemma were there, learning a recipe with their mother. Gemma tipped her head at me with a thoughtful look.
“Pretty sure if Nikki catches you here, she’s gonna hurt you.”
I smirked as I leaned against the wall. “What makes you say that?”
“Cause she slept in my room last night ‘in case Leo comes over when it’s too damn early to deal with his bullshit.’” She mimicked her sister’s voice, giving me a mock scowl. Viola spun, outraged.
“Gemma! Watch your mouth!”
She ducked behind Frankie and pointed at me. “He asked!”
Viola scowled and shook her head. “Don’t repeat your sister’s filth. She’s worse than a sailor. I don’t know where she gets it from.”
Like she was summoned by our conversation, Nicole pushed through the kitchen door. She was already dressed and ready for the day. Black jean shorts ripped along the edges, almost short enough to see her ass, a tight tank top with too much cleavage. Basically everything I wouldn’t approve of. She pulled her long hair into a ponytail as she replied to her stepmother.
“All those late nights with the devil, probably.” She snagged Gemma from Frankie, tickling her sides until Gemma wiggled free. Smart girl, she went straight for me, knowing her sister wouldn’t approach me unless she absolutely had to. I shot Nicole a smug grin and pushed away from the wall so Gemma could hide behind me better. She narrowed her eyes. “Traitor.”
Gemma stuck her tongue out at Nicole, which earned her another tongue lashing from Viola. Nicole stuck her tongue out back and chuckled. She went around the island to avoid me, sitting on the counter next to the coffee machine. She ignored her stepmother’s complaining as she focused on attaching a new knife to her leg. I still hadn’t given back the one I took from her at my club. I had no idea where she was getting them. It wasn’t like her papa was buying them for her.
While she blew on her coffee, Frankie shifted uncomfortably under her gaze. She lifted her chin, thoughtful.
“Hope you weren’t brought here for me, Frankie. I’m leaving in twenty.”
She ignored her step mother’s mumbled ‘thank god,’ though she did purposely put her feet on the counter. She wasn’t wearing shoes yet and Viola looked like she might have a stroke.
“Where you goin’?” Frankie queried, as he moved to sit next to Amara at the island. Amara patted his shoulder reassuringly and his shoulders came down from his ears, relaxing under her gentle attention. It would’ve been an easy deal to make for those two to get married. They seemed to get on significantly better than Nicole and I did.
Nicole slurped her drink loudly and Viola shot her another scathing look. She enjoyed pissing people off way too much. “Got a tattoo appointment, birthday present to myself.”
Apparently, that was Viola’s tipping point. She shut off the stove and stormed out, shouting about how she was telling Nicole’s papa about her plan. Considering he was well aware of the tattoos she already had and Nicole was moving in with me soon, I doubted he’d concern himself with it.