Page 2 of Taming Nikki

I shrugged one shoulder lazily. “But my participation tonight is. So either I go see my brother without your lackeys following me, or I can make tonight as difficult as possible.”

Normally, I’d refuse to come to these things at all, but since my little sisters were being forced to go, I worried about them. I might not be the favorite in the family, but I loved those little girls, and I wasn’t going to let them be sold off to some old perverts.

I watched with fascination as his face mottled red, his fists tight on his desk.

“What about a car?”

My only response was to snort at him. He couldn’t buy my obedience like he bought my sisters’ love. His eyes shifted back and forth as he tried to come up with some other way to appease me. When he came up dry, I saw the defeat in his eyes. He narrowed them at me.

“Fine. But you have to be home before sunset.” I opened my mouth to argue, and he snapped at me. “That’s the deal, Nikki. Take it or leave it.”

I pursed my lips. It was better than nothing. It would be the first time since I arrived that he’s let me go somewhere on my own. I normally take my cousin Enzo with me, but like the rest of my family, he doesn’t like my brother and is a colossal pain in the ass whenever I go see him.

“I guess we have a deal.”

I spun on my heel, ready to end this conversation before he changed his mind, but he stopped me before I could step away.

“This is a nice event, Nikki. Dress appropriately or the deal is off.”

I took a step back, turning to face him again. “Define appropriately.”

He glared at me. “None of the ridiculous shit you normally wear. Dress or skirt, heels, hair done.” It looked like it was physically hurting him to have to spell it out for me, and I grinned.

“I think I can pull that off. See you later, Pops.”

I cackled when the pencil he was holding snapped in half as I walked away. He couldn’t stand that nickname.

* * *

I had outfits that my papa would consider appropriate for tonight. But I didn’t give in that easily. I hugged the line between appropriate and inappropriate just to mess with him. A ruffle mini skirt, a long sleeve sheer shirt with cutouts on the shoulders, almost too much cleavage, and plain high heels. All in black because I knew it would bother my step mother to no end. She’s tried to control the way I dress for years and black was not an approved color for her ideal upper class image.

I left my hair down except for one side I pinned up with a sparkly bow. It was juvenile and rebellious and I loved it. Combined with a lighter version of the makeup I normally wore, it was just tame enough to pass inspection. Not that I was going to be there for that, either.

Papa wanted to greet his guests at the door with his daughters lined up beside him. That way, he could show off his product. It was creepy, and I refused to come down until I absolutely had to.

“Dammit, Nikki, you were supposed to be downstairs over an hour ago.”

My brothers were Papa’s enforcers and liked to throw their weight around, pretending they were in charge. I didn’t know why they bothered. I never listened to them. Mafia rules on who was in charge didn’t mean shit to me.

“I’m busy.”

My eldest brother Gino ground his teeth, his fists tight by his sides as he made a piss poor attempt at patience. “You said you’d be there.”

“I did. I never said I’d let Papa show me off like a doll in a shop. I’ll come down when I’m ready.”

He looked ready to throw something, and it amused me to no end. Papa ended up having to send Nonna to get me because my siblings were getting nowhere with it. My brother DiAngelo threw his hands up and stormed away just as she entered.

Nonna eyed my outfit, not bothering to hide her amusement. “Let me guess, he said you had to dress nice, and you decided to screw with him.”

I was focused on putting on mascara, so I didn’t look at her when I replied. “He said skirt and heels. It’s not my fault he wasn’t specific. Why? You don’t like it?”

She chuckled. “I think you are purposely twisting his words. You look fine. Just don’t come crying to me when he sends you back upstairs to change.”

I smirked. “He won’t. He’s got too many important people here tonight. He doesn’t want to engage with me unless he absolutely has to.” I grabbed a small purse, tossing the strap over my head. I did have shit to do tonight, and I wasn’t going to waste time grabbing my stuff and risk running into Papa.

“Your ability to manipulate a situation in your favor astounds me sometimes. You are your father’s daughter,” Nonna chuckled, nudging me toward the door. I rolled my eyes. That man got no credit in how I turned out, that was all me. And Nonna, to some extent. And Uncle Nino. And maybe my brother, Diego. The rest could all fuck off.
