Page 98 of Taming Nikki

Hopeless romantic or not, it was hard not to get butterflies hearing that. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tipping my chin up.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

* * *

“What the fuck do you mean, you’re getting married?”

Nino was following me around his apartment. I had to stop here to get something to wear to the courthouse, and it didn’t feel right leaving him in the dark. I should’ve waited until I was already out the door because he was getting on my nerves. I pawed through a bag on the floor, looking for one of the few nice white dresses I owned. I wasn’t a big poofy ball gown wearing type of girl, but I still wanted to look nice. I found the one I was looking for, folding it and sticking it in the duffle I was packing so I could have some clothes at Leo’s. At least until he manned up enough to help me pick up the rest of my shit.

“It’s really not a difficult concept.”

Nino blocked my path, his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed. “What’s he holding against you? Is it another deal? I’ll fucking kill him!”

I rolled my eyes, suppressing a grin because one day he was seriously going to get himself killed throwing out threats like that.

“He’s not holding anything against me, Nino. I love him.”

Nino’s jaw dropped, his eyes comically wide, and I burst out laughing. He looked like a cartoon character. He scowled at me.

“You’re pulling my leg.”

I put a hand on his arm, trying to reassure him. “I’m really not. I love him, Nino. So we’re going to the courthouse tomorrow. I never wanted a huge wedding. I don’t need a reminder that people can’t stand me by seeing my half of the church empty.”

He looked sad, which wasn’t what I wanted. I tried to break the tension, but it didn’t do much.

“Besides, I’m sure you’d like your living room back. And you can stop yelling at me for leaving clothes on the floor.”

A small smile flickered and was gone. He was taking it harder than I thought he would. I nudged him, bumping my shoulder against his, and he finally relaxed.

“If that’s what you want… but if he for one second thinks you’re going to change for him–”

I laughed, shaking my head as I finished grabbing the rest of my things. He’d come around eventually. He always did for my ‘harebrained ideas’, as he liked to call them. They usually turned out pretty well in the end.

He followed me out of the restaurant, eyeing Leo suspiciously. Leo was waiting by the car, giving me time to talk to my uncle alone. I had a feeling he was trying to keep himself in check by not engaging with Nino, and it was a move I could respect. He took my duffle from me without question, tossing it into the back seat.

“You’re sure you don’t want a party?”

I shook my head, dropping into the passenger seat. Leo already told me the likelihood of him letting me drive was slim to none. I’d argue, but I did really enjoy having him at my mercy whenever he was behind the wheel.

Rolling down the window, I shouted to Nino. “I told you, no one would come anyway! I’ll be by to pick up my stuff later, okay?” I wiggled my fingers, ignoring the wave of guilt that washed over me at his pained expression. I couldn’t live on his couch forever. And it wasn’t like I wasn’t going to see him again. I’d probably be back within a week for a visit to complain, like always.

Leo pulled away, his hand firm on my leg. I slipped my hand under his and interlaced our fingers until he relaxed. The two most important men in my life were more dramatic than Gemma.



I smoothedthe skirt of the dress, taking in my appearance in the mirror. It wasn’t much, but it was simple and classic, a v-neck that wasn’t too deep, knee length, with flutter sleeves and lace. Papa would approve, which was saying something. I bought it a few years ago on a whim but never wore it. I had plans to tie dye it at one point, but I chickened out. It was too pretty to screw around with.

I pinned my hair back on one side with a few flowers and had to buy a new pair of shoes because black did not go with this outfit. I made a face, trying to quell the nerves. It wasn’t my normal style, but now that I didn’t live with my papa, I’d been experimenting more and today was important, so fuck it.

One last once over and I forced myself downstairs. Very few people would see me today anyway. Once we were done, we were coming straight back here. I’d rather be naked in bed with Leo than in a white dress anyway.

He was fixing his cuff links by the side door, talking to Gio, who was coming as our witness since he was Leo’s underboss. Gio bumped his arm, jerking his chin in my direction. Leo’s reaction made all the turmoil worth it. His lips parted, his eyes locked on me as he stood frozen. Gio had to clear his throat to get him to blink. He shot Gio a dirty look before making his way over to me.

“You look good in white.”

I tipped my head, giving him a once over. He went with a dark suit, the only white on him was his dress shirt. It was tailored perfectly, showing off his muscles just enough to make me want to pull it off him. When he caught my gaze and the hungry look that came with it, he grinned at me.