I was on my spot on the counter, my legs kicking languidly as I drank my coffee and watched Leo cook breakfast. He had yet to ask me to do anything domestic, which was probably for the best. I can’t cook. I survived on take out and cereal. And even if he didn’t have a housekeeper, I couldn’t clean without pants. Every time I bent over to pick something up, Leo took it as an invitation. Not that I was complaining…
“I’m not worried about your uncle, Nikki.”
“Your mouth says one thing, your body says something else entirely. If you aren’t worried, why are you so tense right now?”
His shoulders were tight, and he had a scowl etched so deeply into his face it looked like it might be permanent. Other than calling to check in with Nino after I agreed to stay here with Leo, which went about as well as I expected, I hadn’t spoken to him and it was bugging me. He and Leo needed to stow their shit because I wasn’t choosing between them. I slipped off the counter, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. It stalled his agitated movements and forced him to take a breath.
“Talk to me. You don’t normally let people get to you.”
He turned, picking me up and putting me back on the counter. I thought he might walk away, he didn’t like talking shit out, but instead he sighed, bumping his forehead against mine.
“Last time we saw each other, he tried to take you from me. I’m worried he’s going to try again. I don’t have a deal to force the issue anymore.”
I cupped his face, kissing him softly. “I’m not going anywhere. I just need to get my stuff. Unless you want me going out on jobs in just your shirt.”
It drew a smile from him, which was what I was going for. But I understood his trepidation. He’d told me he loved me every day since we got back together and I still worried he’d realize I wasn’t worth the effort and leave me. This was why people got married.
The thought made me pause, and I pursed my lips. It’d crossed my mind a few times, mostly on a whim. I usually dismissed it, the wayward thoughts of a recently converted hopeless romantic. But he seemed just as worried as I was, so it couldn’t hurt to ask.
“We still haven’t gone to the courthouse.”
He frowned. “What are you talking about?”
I shrugged. “You aren’t the only one who worries. I’m still waiting for you to wake up and realize you can do better. Besides, technically, I broke the deal. I never brought Henderson to you.”
Smirking, he shook his head. “You don’t have to worry about that. I don’t want to force you into something you don’t want.” He walked away, back to cooking. Well, it was worth a shot. I slipped off the counter, aiming for the stairs to hopefully get enough time to shake off the embarrassment before he finished cooking. I paused with my hand on the railing. I was being a coward again by not at least telling him how I felt about it. I spun to face him, grimacing.
“What if I do want it?”
He froze, his head jerking up. At his stunned silence, I hesitated. I almost took a step back, wanting to run, but I clenched my fists and raised my chin. I am not a fucking coward.
“Look at it this way. If we go to the courthouse, we can tell the world that you’re mine and I’m yours and they can do fuckall about it. You won’t have to worry about Nino trying to steal me away.”
He came around the counter, pulling me into his arms. He didn’t look completely convinced that I was down for this, but that probably had something to do with the pained look on my face. He wasn't the only one who doesn’t like to talk shit out.
I twisted my mouth to smother a smile. “Tomorrow?” He raised an eyebrow and I couldn’t help but grin as I reminded him, “It’s the day we were supposed to get married in the first place.”
His brow furrowed, a far away look in his eyes as he tried to remember what I was talking about. Realization hit him hard, and he burst out laughing. I couldn’t help but join him. When he was as relaxed and open as he was right now, it was hard to feel uneasy.
“I realized it the other day. It’s poetic, isn’t it?”
He pulled me closer, his forehead against mine, a lazy grin on his face. “Nikki, are you asking me to marry you?”
I scoffed, shoving him away. “Fuck off, Vitale. Forget I said anything.” Asshole. I felt my cheeks burn as I spun on my heel, desperate to end this stupid conversation. He grabbed me before I could flee, pulling my back to his front and wrapping his arms around me.
“Fine. I’ll ask instead. Marry me, Nikki.”
A smile pulled at my lips, but I couldn’t let him win that easily. “That’s not asking, Vitale.”
He nipped my neck. He hated me calling him by his last name, and I only did it when I was pissed off at him.
“I’m a don, Nikki. I don’t have toaskfor anything.”
I rolled my eyes, trying to shove his arms off me, but it was like fighting off an anaconda. He just tightened his grip until I gave up. Turning me slowly in his arms, he smiled at me.
“Nicole Morelli, will you marry me?”