I tossed a few chips into the center of the table, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Maybe it’s not a routine. Could just be a reaction to certain individuals.”
His calm indifference was slipping a little, the muscle in his jaw twitching. He saw my bet and raised it a few more.
“Bold talk for a woman who couldn’t keep her hands off me a few weeks ago.”
Tension rose around the table. I didn’t know which one of these guys was my client, but they all seemed uncomfortable. If the client was even real, that was. I was starting to wonder if this was a set up.
“Lucky for me, you stop talking when you’re getting laid.”
One of the guys at the table choked on his drink. He pounded his chest, shooting Leo an apologetic look. I smirked, but Leo was less than amused. He kept raising the pot, and I kept giving it back. The rest of the table all folded until it was just me and him. His eyes were intense, hungry as he kept adding more chips to the pile. I felt trapped in his gaze, unable to look away even though the little voice in my head kept screaminghe’s the enemy!
He didn’t stop until I ran out of chips. He raised an eyebrow, and I shrugged. He could either call or fold. He did neither. Instead, he tried making a deal.
“You’re out of chips, beautiful.”
“So it seems. You going to call it or keep jerking us around?”
He smirked at me. “How about instead, if I win this hand, you give me another week?”
I froze. Initially, butterflies exploded in my stomach before I could remind myself that he was dangerous. My heart squeezed in my chest and I struggled to pull in a deep breath, so I hit the panic button and bailed.
“Pretty sure I’m not that fucking stupid. I fold. Have a nice life, Vitale.”
I tossed my cards onto the table, promising myself I wouldn’t look back. Because if I did, one of two things would happen. We’d fight, or I’d cave. And I was worried about which way I’d sway in the end.
I madeit as far as the doorway to the next room before I stopped, pressing a hand to my chest as I tried to suck in a breath. This wasn’t how I thought my first interaction with Leo would go after everything that went down. I had hoped that I would’ve been wildly successful and in my own place so I could at least feel like I was in a better position first, not slumming it on my uncle’s couch pulling all the jobs I could muster so I could afford to move. And I never expected to be so damn upset about it. Even after everything, I still wanted to throw it all away and launch myself at him. What was wrong with me?
Before I had a chance to catch my breath, a warm hand encircled my elbow and dragged me into the next private room. It was empty, the only light in the room beaming on the table. I was shoved up against the wall and his body pressed against mine before I could process what was happening. His hands gripped my hair roughly and my lips parted on a gasp. I was surrounded by him, the feel of him, the smell of him, like whiskey and tobacco. His tongue brushed mine and like every time before, I lost my goddamn mind. I threw my arms around his neck, my tongue dueling with his as we both fought for control. I bit his lip, dragging a groan from him. He responded by ripping his mouth from mine and trailing it down my neck. When he sucked on the curve, I melted and whimpered.
I was on fire, my whole body aching for him. Each brush of his lips on my skin only made me hotter until I felt ready to combust. My clothes were too tight, restrictive, andhot.I wanted to pull them off and feel his skin against mine. It was only when he pulled back, his hand cupping my face, that I remembered where I was. Remembered why I couldn’t have him. I jerked away from his next kiss, shaking my head.
“Why the fuck not?”
“Because I’m not a fucking pawn!”
I tried to push him away, to give myself the space I needed so I could walk away with some sense of dignity, but he didn’t budge. If anything, he pressed himself closer.
“I never said you were. That’s not why I’m here.”
I inhaled sharply and hesitated, trying to search his face to see if he was telling the truth, but it was too damn dark in here. His face was cast in shadows, his eyes too dark.
“You’re the one who said they were going to bring me to the courthouse.”
His hand on my hip squeezed tightly. “I know. I lost my head. You have a tendency to do that to me.”
I tried to pull away, he still wasn’t saying anything different, but his arms wrapped around me tightly until I couldn’t move.
“Let me finish, Nikki. I was wrong to threaten you like that. I never intended to go through with it. I dropped the marriage from the contract completely.”
My voice was barely a whisper, my face inches from his. “Why?”