I triedto stand again but was dragged back down like it was a fucking game. Chuckles rang through the room and I was considering decking someone when Leo spoke.
“What the fuck are you idiots doing?”
They all suddenly became interested in the ceiling, a couple coughing or clearing their throats. I would’ve laughed if I wasn’t so irritated.
“Just watching the game. Look, Nikki’s brother is up to bat.”
I pursed my lips against my smile. This was the most childish shit, and they all were enjoying themselves torturing me until Leo showed up. Now they were acting all innocent, and I had to fight hard not to laugh.
When I got up to use the bathroom, they tried to drag me back down again, and I had to slap their hands away. They blocked the stairs, snickering as I rolled my eyes and strode past them. When I came out, Mikey was in my seat, leaving only the middle cushion next to Leo available. I wasn’t going anywhere near that, so I stood behind the couch with my arms crossed.
“What’s the matter? Chicken?” Gio whispered in my ear.
I elbowed him, and the group snickered again. One of them nudged me towards the couch, though I didn’t see who.
“Didn’t think you’d be too afraid to sit next to Leo,” Frankie mock whispered.
“Oooh, you gonna take that?” Dante taunted. They were bullying me into sitting next to Leo, and it wasn’t going to fucking happen.
“Nah, guys, she’s too scared.” Frankie had a mischievous grin, staying just out of range of me grabbing him. I stepped toward him and he stepped back with a laugh. He was baiting me. Little shit. When I stopped moving, he shot me a smug look, his chin tipped up and his arms crossed. My eyes narrowed, his face fell, and he started to look a little nervous.
He took off the minute I lunged for him. He shot through the living room, leaping over the coffee table. I tried to catch him and realized too late he was leading me there on purpose. Just like before, someone snagged the back of my shirt and tugged me backwards. I think their intent was for me to land on the cushion next to Leo. But whoever grabbed me pulled too hard, and I tripped, crashing into Leo’s lap with way too much momentum. Our heads smacked together with an audible thunk and I rolled to the floor, groaning.
“Son of a bitch!”
“You motherfuckers!”
I sat up, clutching my head, and they all scattered like rats, shoving each other to get out the door. The door slammed behind them and I heard the squeal of tires a moment later.
“Idiots,” Leo grumbled. “Are you alright?”
I had my eyes squeezed closed against the pain. Leo had a hard head. I rubbed the sore spot, scowling. When I blinked my eyes open, I jerked back, surprised. Leo had slid off the couch and was squatting in front of me, a concerned look on his face.
“I’m fine.”
Aw shit. There went my silent streak. While yes, the cursing happened in his general vicinity, I still hadn’t spoken directly to him.
He reached out, gently prodding the spot on my temple where my head collided with his. I froze under his touch, my heart pounding in my ears. Didn’t matter that I couldn't stand him apparently, he still managed to get my heart racing. Especially when he leaned to press his lips against the spot softly. I held my breath until he pulled away. Standing, he offered me his hand. I don’t know why I took it, I can get up my damn self, but his hand was warm against mine and he was careful not to pull too hard and jostle me.
In the past few days, whenever I came downstairs, I actively avoided looking at him. I was surprised to see dark circles under his eyes, and it looked like he hadn’t shaved in a while, either. He was frowning, his eyes locked on me as I took in his appearance.
“What happened to your hand?”
It was out before I could remind myself to stay silent, and I grimaced. I noticed his hand when he helped me to my feet. He glanced down at his hand, then back at me.
“I was dealing with business. It’s nothing.”
Nothing, he says. Because apparently dark red, split knuckles were nothing. But Leo didn’t want me discussing business with him. I vividly remember him telling me to keep my nose out of his business. I nodded, moving to step around him, but he caught my arm. It wasn’t a rough hold. It was light, like he wanted me to stop, but wasn’t going to force me. When I hesitated, his hand slid down my arm to my wrist before he slipped his hand into mine. I watched it like some stupid school girl with a crush, my heart beating overtime. The air felt too thin, the room too warm when I looked up and locked eyes with him.
He looked like he wanted to say something. His brow furrowed as his eyes searched mine, but all he managed was, “The game’s not done. You should finish watching it.”
I frowned, and he released me, stepping out of my way. He grabbed his keys and disappeared out the door without a word. And I just stood there like an idiot for way too long, staring at the door, wondering what the hell had just happened.