“Have you checked his office?”
Leo had been eavesdropping. He stood behind us, his hands in his pockets. Back with the casual act that we both knew was complete crap.
“I just said I checked the whole house, didn’t I?” I snapped.
Leo shook his head. “Not his home office. The office he does business in.”
I froze, and even Nino scowled.
“Might as well be considered trash if it’s there. I can’t get anywhere near his office. The one time I tried, he actually hit me.” I was speaking more to myself than to Leo. I hadn’t considered Papa’s work office because he didn’t go there unless he had a meeting and I’d never been anywhere near it.
I tried once, back when I built my virus. I was going to plug it into his work computer and completely fuck up his system so that he’d have to come to me for help to fix it. I didn’t even make it into the building before Gino and DiAngelo caught me. They dragged me home and made me wait in Papa’s home office until he arrived. He only hit me once, slapped me across the face so hard I saw stars, but once was enough. I was barely eighteen at the time, and it scared me shitless.
“I’ll get it back for you.”
I rolled my eyes. Yet another manipulation masked as a thoughtful gesture. “No, you won’t. Mind your business, Vitale. I’d rather let my papa beat the shit out of me than ask you for help.”
“No one is getting beat. Don’t say shit like that in front of me. If you need a new computer, I’ll get you the funds. Stay the hell away from Vince’s office,” Nino growled.
“I don’t need the funds, Nino. I’ve got plenty.” It was a not-so-subtle reminder to Leo that I didn’t need a man to rescue me. His eyes were narrowed, a muscle in his jaw twitched, but he said nothing. Not until I turned to leave.
“Where are you going?”
“Back upstairs. Aren’t you leaving?” I called over my shoulder. Leo moved toward me, but Nino blocked his path with a narrow-eyed glare.
“Not without you, I’m not.”
I snorted, turning around to remind him that wasn’t going to happen, but my tongue turned to lead and I stood frozen. Leo stood a few feet from Nino, his gun drawn and pointing at my uncle. The front door burst open and Mikey and Gio flanked Leo instantly, pulling out their weapons. A scream lodged in my throat and I launched myself in between them, throwing out my arms. It wasn’t entirely helpful, Nino was almost a foot taller than me, but I made my point. Leo’s eyes flicked to me.
“What the hell are you doing?” I screamed at him.
“Reminding your uncle who he’s dealing with. She’s mine. She made the deal. She goes home with me. Get in my way again and I’ll end you.”
Nino sneered and pushed me behind him.
“Try me, you little shit. I’ve been on the streets since you were in diapers.”
Leo cocked his gun and fire burned in his eyes. I couldn’t see a way out of this without bloodshed, so I did what I had to do. I reached behind the booth where Nino stashed one of his many guns around the restaurant, cocked it, and pointed it at Leo.
“If you hurt my uncle, you won’t make it out of here alive.”
Leo’s eyes never left Nino, he still saw him as more of a threat than me. That only pissed me off more. I moved slowly, stepping in front of Nino and forcing him back a few steps. Nino wouldn’t go quietly though and tried to take the gun from me, so I elbowed him.
“Knock it off, Nino! You’re going to get yourself shot.”
“We made a deal, Nicole,” Leo snarled, his eyes finally flicking to me as I forced Nino back another foot. I glared at him.
“There is no deal if you threaten my family. Put your guns down.”
Leo didn’t like being told what to do, it went against his nature. And I couldn’t move anymore. I knew Nino had another gun stashed close by and I didn’t want him close enough to grab it or Leo really would kill him. We stared each other down until Leo spoke again.
“I’ll put it down when I know you aren’t going to run. Come here.”
Asshole. I took a step toward him, and Nino grabbed my arm, snarling. “The fuck you will. Nikki, you come with me now. We’ll call Vince, see what he has to say about this.”
I rolled my eyes. Papa wouldn’t be on my side and he sure as shit wouldn’t be on Nino’s. I turned, lowering my weapon, to look my uncle in the eye.
“You and I both know he won’t come, not for me. Leo’s right, I made a deal, and you taught me to never go back on my word. I’ll call in the morning.”