Page 77 of Taming Nikki

“Who is this?”

She made an irritated sound. “The one person who might be able to help you. There’s a lunch to celebrate Nikki’s birthday in a few hours. I need a ride. Be quick about it.”

I tried to argue, Nicole didn’t want me anywhere near her and I wasn’t willing to ruin another birthday event for her, but the speaker cut me off.

“Are all Vitale boys chicken shits? The one from before was practically in tears about giving you the phone.” I heard her voice muffle again, like she was holding the phone to her chest. “Marco, stop whining. If she needs it, then grab it. Men are useless, the lot of you.” Her voice became clearer again. “Are you still on the line? Get moving! We’ve got shit to do.”

She sounded exactly like Nicole, and I found myself chuckling. “Alright, fine. I’ll be there in an hour.”

Gio raised his eyebrow when I hung up. “Who was that?”

“Sounded like Nicole’s grandmother. She wants me to pick her up.”

“Does she know Nikki wants to skewer you and roast you over a fire?”

My eyes narrowed, and Gio smirked at me. “Don’t deny it. I heard the shit you pulled yesterday.”

I ground my teeth. “Don’t fucking start.”

Gio followed me as I stormed out of the club. He slid into the passenger seat before I could lock the doors and drive off.

“Someone has to, Leo. She went to bat for you and you threw it in her face. A real douche move, if you ask me.”

“I didn’t fucking ask.”

Gio ignored me. There was a reason he was my underboss. He wasn’t afraid to question my decisions if he felt like it was important. Generally, he didn’t argue with me, but every once in a while, he threw his weight around a little and fought me on stupid shit like this.

“You realize I was working on the same fucking thing the whole time she was. Didn’t get anywhere close. She’s got skill, and she was willing to use it to help you. You couldn’t ask for a better ally.”

I scowled, speeding towards home. “She’s not an ally. She’s a goddamn mafia princess. She doesn’t know shit about how we’re set up or who’s working for us. She’s sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong, and I’m not willing to let her fuck around with our family on the line.”

With a heavy sigh, Gio shook his head. “No wonder she’s fighting so hard against you,” he mumbled. When I gave him a dirty look, he put his hands up defensively. “I’m sorry, Boss. Normally, I’m on your side. You’re clear headed and logical and it works for our family. All that goes out the window with Nicole, though. You need to make a choice, man. Either accept her for who she is or let her go. I’ve met her. She isn’t going to change, not for you or anyone else.”

“And how’s it going to look when I can’t control my own wife? Or when she throws herself into a situation she can’t come back from and gets used against me?”

It was one of the things that bothered me the most. I’d already told Nicole that she had enemies and she decided to announce to the world that she’s got my back. Even if she covered her tracks, people were going to be able to tie her to it eventually. And then what? She’d be a fucking target three times over because she’d be my wife and a goddamn hacker with a god complex.

“Then cut her loose, man. Is getting her back for the break in really worth all this shit?”

“It’s not about the fucking break in!”

I pulled up outside my house, frowning. I hadn’t realized it until now, but it stopped being about the break in a while ago. She’s under my fucking skin, and the thought of letting her walk away is abhorrent. It wasn’t going to happen. She’s mine.

Gio was smart enough to leave me alone after that. He made his point. If I tried to take away Nicole’s career, she’d never stop fighting me. We’d be on a constant roller coaster and at one point, she’d figure out a way to end our deal and escape me.

I was distracted as I got ready. This was the bullshit you were supposed to avoid with an arranged marriage. Compromise wasn’t in my repertoire. I bent the world to my will. I was never the one to do the bending. And I wasn’t sure Nicole would even let me try. She was stubborn, and last night she said she was done. Frustration burned through me and boiled over. Everything was fucking perfect for a few hours before it all fell apart again. In a rage, I stormed down the stairs to the mini bar, pouring myself some whiskey. I barely took a sip before I noticed her heels by the door. Every reminder of the woman I wanted but couldn’t have kept pissing me off. I threw the glass, watching it shatter and drench the wall with whiskey.


My phone rang, halting me before I could find something else to throw. I pulled out a cigarette as I answered it, drawing in a heavy inhale.


“Um, nothing. Nevermind.”

“What the fuck do you want, Frankie?” He hesitated, and I fought to keep my temper in check. “Spit it out.”

“Amara’s Nonna called again. She wanted me to tell you to hurry up,” he choked out. I held my breath for a moment, trying to let the red wash away from my vision before I spoke.