I crossed my arms, glowering at him. “I’m not staying with you. Not after this bullshit. You want to treat me like crap, you don’t get to have me spend the night.”
Ducking past him, I marched toward the front of the restaurant again. Leo grabbed my arm again, halting my steps.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”
I jerked away. “Anywhere where you aren’t. Touch me again and all bets are off. I’ve been working this city for a while. I’ve got plenty of allies.” I stepped up to him, my heart pounding in my chest because once again I was making stupid decisions when I was pissed off. Like threatening a mafia don. “I’m not afraid of you, Vitale. Stay the hell away from me.”
I wokeup with a crick in my neck and in a much worse mood than I went to bed in. After my screaming match with Leo, I refused to go home with him. He tried to demand it, threatening to bring me to the courthouse more than once, but eventually Mikey stepped in and suggested giving me time to cool off. Nino’s was the only place that Leo would ‘allow me’ to stay at and only because it was closer to his place than having me go all the way home. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of telling him I’d rather go to Nino’s anyway. I didn’t want to bring my foul mood anywhere near my sisters, who I knew would want to see me after I’d been gone a few days.
I called Nino on the way and he was waiting for me out front, his gaze furiously locked on Leo as he ushered me inside. He spent a good hour grilling me on what happened that was so bad that it would drive me to seek refuge at his place on my birthday. The man was more a father to me than my own papa and was ready to kill Leo by the time I finished talking. It took work to convince him to drop it and let me get some sleep. I just wanted the stupid day to end.
He tried to offer me his room, but I refused to let him sleep on the couch when it was my problems that forced me here. Besides, I’m significantly smaller than him. He’d probably fall off the couch more than once throughout the night. So I ended up curled on a lumpy couch, cursing Leo’s name, until I finally fell into an exhausted and turbulent sleep. I woke up too damn early and about ready to hurt someone before I even opened my eyes.
Nino was already up, though he wouldn’t be opening the restaurant this morning. Every year was the same. He got mad that Papa and Viola didn’t do enough for my birthday, shut down the restaurant, and invited everyone who could stand me to come enjoy a meal with me. It was never a popular event. Most of the family would go to Bianca’s birthday in a few days, but Nonna was always there, and a handful of my cousins. Even Zoe would be there. Diego couldn’t. He had another game, but I didn’t want him there anyway. If he saw how bad my mood was, I was pretty sure he’d kill Leo himself.
“You’re up early,” Nino commented from the kitchen. I rubbed my neck, scowling, but didn’t reply. I didn’t have anything nice to say, so it was better to keep my mouth shut until after I’d had some coffee and food. I joined him in the kitchen, forcing a small smile when he handed me my coffee. He snorted. “Don’t try and pretend you’re in a good mood. I know that’s bullshit. Just drink your coffee. Your breakfast is in the microwave. I’m gonna get prepped for today. I’m making your favorite.”
Bless that man. He always knew how to make me feel better. He left me alone to wallow in self pity for a while before I could finally pull myself together enough to eat and function. I texted Marco asking him to bring me some clothes from home since I sure as shit wasn’t going to ask Leo. It was a bright spot on the day, he wouldn’t be here. Not even sure he knew about the party, if it could even be called that. Since Marco was coming anyway, he didn’t mind. Sort of. He still bitched about it. He was a big baby about picking clothes, but since most of my shit was black, it’s not like he could get something that didn’t match.
While I was waiting for him, I started working on Nino’s computer. I had inquiries to look into and a few regulars who were looking for more information. It was a pleasant distraction and I could finally relax.
They were all coming for lunch. I never wanted Nino to miss a dinner rush for me, so I got a few hours of work in before people showed up. Marco brought my clothes, whining at me from the living room while I got dressed in the bathroom.
“Seriously, I don’t know shit about girl clothes. Why do you make me do crap like that?”
“It’s not fucking rocket science, Marco. How are you ever going to get laid if you’re afraid to touch a woman’s clothing?”
I could hear him muttering to himself, but couldn’t quite catch what he was saying. “Speak up, asshole.”
“You’re one to talk! You can’t even last two days in a relationship before blowing the whole thing up.”
I threw the bathroom door open, giving him a flat look. “Don’t bring that shit up. Not today. I’d like one day without Vitale’s bullshit ruining it.”
Marco snorted. “Aren’t you engaged to the guy?”
I lunged for him, and he took off, racing down the stairs away from me. Asshole. I trudged after him, contemplating asking Nino for a rain check, but when I got downstairs, a good portion of the people were already here and waiting for me. Including the two people who could always cheer me up.
Gemma squealed, dodging past everyone to throw herself at me. I stooped low, catching her and hugging her tight. Amara popped up at my side and I threw my arm out to pull her into the hug.
“Oh, I missed you two. I hope things have been going better for you than they have been for me.”
Gemma spoke a mile a minute, trying to tell me every single detail of the last few days. She refused to get down, so I carried her to a booth. Amara sat next to me, sneaking in a few updates of her own when Gemma paused to take a breath.
“I didn’t think you two would be here. Viola never lets you come,” I frowned. “Who brought you? Nonna?”
Amara shook her head, pointing her finger. Leo sat talking to Nonna at a table in the far corner of the restaurant. He glanced at me once when he noticed I was watching him, but otherwise kept his focus on whatever Nonna was saying. I scowled.
“What’s he doing here?”
Gemma tipped her head. “Don't you like Leo? He’s nice. He made Mama let us come. She tried to argue, and he called her a name.”
My eyes widened. There was a reason I didn’t engage with Viola outside of being passive aggressive. She’d threatened more than once to stop letting me see my sisters the minute I moved out. We chose to ignore each other because that’s the only way we got along. I didn’t want Leo causing trouble for me.
“What did he say?”