Mikey raised two fingers and one of the guys who hadn’t introduced himself did the same. I eyed him suspiciously.
“Who holds the record for most home runs in a season?”
“Which team?”
“Yankees, duh.”
He smirked. “Stanton.”
I nodded. “Okay, he can come. But no work talk. Baseball, beer, and… shit, I don’t have a third one.”
“Birthday cake?” he offered.
I frowned. “Who brings an entire cake to a baseball game?”
“Balloons?” Mikey suggested.
“Have you ever been to a baseball game before? That’s rude as shit. You’d block the people behind you.”
The group went round and round, trying to figure out a B-word to fit. It was relaxed and easy going and definitely a better way to spend my birthday than sitting at home listening to Viola complain that my birthday was too close to Bianca’s and pretending it wasn’t happening.
The cousin who was coming with us, who introduced himself as Dante, finally threw out ‘bad decisions.’ I raised an eyebrow at him.
“It’s your 21st, right? That’s when you’re supposed to get trashed and do stupid shit.”
“Baseball, beer, and bad decisions. I like it.” I grinned.
Leo scowled at him. “Don’t give her any fucking ideas.”
They all laughed, though a few were probably unaware of just how much trouble I could get myself into if I really wanted to. My eighteenth birthday, I may or may not have gotten arrested for doing donuts in an empty parking lot. They spouted some bullshit about disturbing the peace, even though no one was there but my cousins and some friends from school. My papa was beyond pissed and from then on I wasn’t allowed to drive myself anywhere.
I heard my phone ring upstairs and slid off the counter as I hustled to answer it. I knew who was calling, and I answered without looking.
“Hola, hermana.”
“Hi, Diego. How was the ride in?”
“Hot. The plane was crowded, and a few of the guys were snoring, too. Is it just you and your cousin today? I’m going to reserve your seats.”
“No, I need four tickets. My cousin isn’t coming.”
I didn’t want to tell Diego about Leo. He had grand ideas about my happily ever after and he didn’t like the thought of arranged marriages. We were on the same page in that regard, but I didn’t want him ruining the day by being pissy with Leo. So I lied a little.
“Who are you bringing?”
“A couple of friends and my… boyfriend.” I made a face. Now I’d have to get Leo to agree to keep his mouth shut.
“Really? That’s a first. What’s his name? What’s he do? Is he mafia? Because that would blow my fucking mind.”
I snickered. “Shut up. You can ask him all that shit yourself when we get there. My friends are huge fans, so they might fangirl a little.”
Diego was one of those easygoing famous people. He always stopped for photos, always signed autographs, whatever was asked of him. He was so happy about being on the team, he thought it was rude to act all high and mighty when it was the fans who bought the seats and kept cheering for him.
“Sure. Did you want to stop by early and see the guys? They’ve been asking about you. I’m glad I get to tell a few of them you’re taken. They’ve been on my ass and it’s gross to think about.”
I laughed and shook my head. A few of the team members have shown interest before, but I never went for it. It would upset Diego, and that mattered more to me than a hookup.
“Sounds good. What time?”