My jaw hit the ground.This had to be some kind of trick. I steal his car, he offers me a deal he can’t possibly win?
“What’s the catch?”
He smirked. “You do something stupid like this again, we go to the courthouse. No arguments. I’ll have your papa sign for you if you won’t cooperate.”
My lip twitched as I resisted the urge to scowl. He was laying it all on the line. I could get everything I wanted. I just had to go against every instinct I had.
“There have to be rules. I’m not changing who I am and acting like a priss just to make you happy.”
Leo shook his head. “I wouldn’t ask that of you. I don’t think you could pull it off anyway.”
I wasn’t taking the bait on that one. I raised my eyebrow, and he chuckled.
“Alright, name your terms.”
“You start.”
He turned and resumed the walk as he thought about it. “No more throwing shit at me.”
“No can do. You’re annoying. How about I won’t throw things that might actually hurt you?” He narrowed his eyes, and I grinned. “Alright. No throwing things.”
“Your turn.”
“Don’t tell me what to wear.”
He frowned. “Within reason. I don’t mind the way you dress, but that shit you pulled the last time we came out to your uncle’s restaurant is not acceptable.”
I took a deep breath. He wasn’t being totally unreasonable, but the idea that he had even a little control over my wardrobe bothered me. It could be worse, though. “Fine. But I’m not dressing like my sisters, so if that’s what you want–”
“I don’t. Just keep your tits and ass out of view of the general public.”
I chuckled and nodded. My face fell with the next one, and I waited for the immediate refusal. “I still want to work.”
“I figured, but I still stand by my rule. Anyone touches you and they die.”
I rolled my eyes. “Shut up. They don’t actually have to touch me. I haven’t had to do that in months. I only did it the other night because I didn’t want your tail watching me. I usually do cold drops or the same shit as the gala.”
“Then I’ll agree, as long as you take a few of my guys for security.” I went to complain, and he shot me a look. “Unless you’ve become bulletproof, it’s non negotiable. Your safety is important, and your two teenage cousins aren’t enough to protect you.”
Growling, I conceded. “As long as they stay out of my way, I’ll accept that. If it gets too difficult on my business, though, I reserve the right to renegotiate.”
It was all straightforward, but I still felt uneasy. I wasn’t making a deal without the full picture.
“What do you mean by not fighting you?”
“I mean, for the next week, you at least pretend you can stand the idea of marrying me. I’m not asking you to be the doting fiancée, but being able to have a conversation with you without you acting like a brat would be a vast improvement.”
I shot him a dirty look. “I only act like that because you can’t take a hint. But fine. For the next week, I will take it down a notch.”
“That’s all I ask. And you’ll be staying in my guest room for the entire duration.”
I froze and gaped at him. “Come again?”
He turned, a smug look on his face. “I find you charming in the morning. If I only get a week, I don’t want to have to drive across town to see you.”
I was an ass in the morning, everyone said so, but if I was staying with him, I wouldn’t have to take a hiatus from work. Pretty sure it would take flying monkeys to drag my brothers to Leo’s house. I relented and gave him a sharp nod. “Fine. You want to deal with me in the mornings, you go right ahead. Even Nino says I’m an asshole before noon.”