Page 48 of Taming Nikki

That made him laugh and more tension seemed to ease from his shoulders. “So you are doing it on purpose. Good to know.”

It was a longshot that he’d tell me what happened. I figured the party was a fluke because he was looking to score. That apparently wasn’t true because Leo filled me in on the deal and the assholes who tried to scam him. He even told me about the bloodbath that followed. I got my own drink at one point and we sat facing each other on either end of the couch as he went over all of it.

“So the rumors are true then. You’re a shoot first, ask questions later kind of guy.”

A smirk flashed across his face for a second before his face darkened. “I do what I have to do. If you don’t act quick, people will think you’re soft and take advantage. I never give them that opportunity.”

I nodded. “I do the same thing, though with a lot less blood and violence.”

He looked thoughtful. “Has no one ever come after you for exposing them?”

“Not yet. Probably because the ones who fucked with me ended up in jail because of the stuff I released. Not sure what’ll happen once they get out.”

He frowned. “And you want to ditch your security on Saturday, why?”

I sighed heavily. “Of course he told you about that. Yes, I want to be security free because on Saturday I’m going to see my brother and my family treats him like shit. Like less than just because he’s not Cosa Nostra. I just want a few hours with him without someone being a dick or complaining that they’re bored.”

“Not a good enough reason to ditch security. Not if you’ve got enemies. You don’t see me wandering around by myself, do you? Even when I’m meeting your papa, I’ve got two outside the gate. I’m not stupid enough to think people won’t take a shot if given the opportunity.”

I made a face while I played with the edges of my shorts. He had a point, and he wasn’t making it because I am my papa’s daughter. He was making it because of my job. But I still didn’t want to bring my cousins. They were cool with me but dicks to Diego.

“I still don’t want them to go.”

“They aren’t going. I am.”

I jerked my head up to face him, my eyes wide. “What? No, you aren’t!”

“And who is going to stop me?”

I clenched my fists until my nails dug into my palms. “I don’t need a fucking babysitter, and I don’t want you anywhere near my brother.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t trust you!”

His stupid blank stare was making me want to throw something at him. He was basically saying he was going to ruin my birthday. I couldn’t even go after my papa about it because it wasn’t his guys that were going. Leo didn’t work for him.

The frustration from the past week boiled over and tears gathered in my eyes, which was a fucking first, and it shocked me. I was really looking forward to spending time with Diego alone. We got so little time together, and it was usually tainted with stupid comments and arguments from my cousins. I didn’t want Leo to ruin it. But what little time I’d spent with him, I knew it wasn’t possible to argue my way out of it. He’d go whether I wanted him to or not.

His eyebrows jumped when a traitorous tear slipped over my cheek. I wiped it away quickly and shoved to my feet. I wasn’t going to let this asshole see me cry.



Nicole had stunnedme more than once this evening. The first time, when she brought me a drink. The second when she listened to me complain about work without a single sarcastic comment or insult. And now when she started crying. I never imagined her crying. She was too angry and violent for that. But apparently, me joining her during her time with her brother actually upset her. I put my glass down on the coffee table and followed her into the kitchen. She leaned against the counter, her face turned away from me.

I leaned next to her and watched her. When she didn’t say anything, I took her elbow and turned her to face me. She fought me and struggled against the hold, but it only dislodged more tears and that just seemed to piss her off more. She was obviously embarrassed about it, and I wasn’t a total asshole. I pulled her against me and let her hide her face until she could pull herself together again. She stood stiffly, her forehead against my chest as I rubbed her back lightly.

“I’m not going to ruin your day with your brother. I’m just going to be there to protect you. I’ll keep my mouth shut. You won’t even know I’m there.”

She snorted, but didn’t push away. “That’s bullshit and you know it. I don’t think you’re capable of being invisible.”

I leaned away from her and tried to get her to look at me. “Why? Are you incapable of ignoring me? Am I that good looking?”

She rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t hide her smile. “Ego much?”

She scrubbed her face and scowled at the wetness on her fingers before she lifted her glare to me. “You tell anyone I cried, I’m throwing another knife at you and this one won’t miss.”