Page 43 of Taming Nikki

Leo shot me a smug look.

“How’d you figure out where I was?”

“Sent people out looking for you the minute you left. Your cousins are fucking loyal. Wouldn’t tell me anything. Lucky my guys called before I murdered the little shits.”

A slow grin passed over my face. “Remind me to give them a raise.”

He was still leaning over me and his eyes searched mine. I dropped the smile and scowled at him. I didn’t want him getting any funny ideas because I was trapped here. Like he could hear my thoughts, he grinned at me. Asshole.

“Alright! All done. I’ll let you look in the mirror before I wrap it.”

She rolled away after helping me sit up, looking for the protective film to put over it while it healed. I pushed to my feet and stood in front of the full-length mirror. I turned this way and that to admire her work. Even if she wasn’t my friend, I’d always come here. Her work was always well done, and she knew exactly what I wanted. I even let her freehand the roses on my hip. I trusted her and they turned out amazing.

Leo stepped up behind me and rested his hands on my hips. I scowled and tried moving to step away, but he tightened his grip to keep me there.

“Unless you want a repeat from last night, I suggest you don’t move.”

Warmth flooded my cheeks as the events of last night replayed in my mind, and I fought to keep my face blank. He slid his hand across my stomach, close to the edge of the tattoo, and my belly tightened. I frowned at him in the mirror.

“Looks good. Next time tell me your tattoo artist is a woman. I won’t have to drive all the way out here to check on you.” He patted my hip before he stepped away and left the room.

Zoe rolled over to me, turning me so she could wrap the tattoo. I tipped my head.

“Think I should tell him I’ve dated women before?”

Her eyes went wide, and she glanced anxiously towards the door. “Not unless you want to get me killed!” she hissed. I chuckled. She deserved that.

After several hours on that table, I had to pee like no one’s business. I was almost dancing by the time Zoe finished wrapping it. I hustled off, ignoring Leo, who was still waiting by the front of the shop. When I came back out, Zoe was handing him back his credit card. I frowned as I glanced between them and Zoe beamed at me.

“Your fiancé paid for your tattoo. You’re good to go.”

“No way. Cancel that transaction. I’m not letting him pay for shit.” I marched up to the counter and tried to hand her my card. She just leaned back against the counter behind her with a huge grin on her face. “I swear, Zoe, if you don’t cancel it…”

She raised her eyebrow at me, but it was Leo who stepped in. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the shop. I fought him, digging in my heels, but he didn’t even slow down. He didn’t stop until we were next to his car.

“Get in.”

“Fuck off. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

He sighed heavily, clearly done with me. I kept pushing, hoping if I could piss him off enough to leave, twisting my wrist and trying to get him to release me, but it was like trying to pull off an iron shackle.

“Let go, Vitale. I’m not letting you pay for my tattoo. I don’t want to owe you anything.”

He frowned. “You don’t owe me shit. It’s a birthday present.”

That made me freeze. “Why the hell would you get me a present?”

“Because you’re my fiancée and that’s what you do for people’s birthdays. It’s not a difficult concept, Nikki. I already sent your cousin home, so just get in the fucking car.”

“Fine!” I ripped my arm away from him and rubbed the sore spot he left behind. Something flickered over his face, but I couldn’t quite catch it before his mask of indifference went back up. He jerked the door open and glared at me until I sat down. I thought about legging it, but I could see a couple of familiar faces a few cars down. His cousins from the club were waiting down the street.

Leo was shaking his head as he got in. I glared at him. “What?”

“You’d think you never received a gift before.”

“I’ve gotten presents before, asshole. I never said I wanted one from you.”

“Tough shit.”