Page 31 of Taming Nikki

“How many?”

“Tonight? Three.”

“Who invited you?”

The corner of my mouth lifted. “One of the three.”

I was being purposely vague, and it was driving him up the wall, which only made it more fun for me. But eventually, I knew I’d have to fill him in because he needed to know his part in all of this. I stepped closer and pressed myself against him. To anyone else, it would look like a couple making eyes at each other as I spoke low.

“Alright, here’s what you need to know. I’ve got three drops tonight. Two should be easy. They are elite but not top elite, so the old hiding shit in your hand during a handshake will do the trick. The last one will be the most difficult. The only reason we’re doing it in public is because he needed a way to meet with me without being suspicious. Your job is to block the cameras when you can. When the deal is being done, you move in the way. Since you’re bigger than most of the guys here, it shouldn’t be difficult.”

He pursed his lips, dipping his head to whisper in my ear. “I feel cheated. I asked for too little for a job like this.”

I couldn’t help the grin that crossed my face when he pulled away. “Yeah, I’ve really enjoyed that fact. Can’t change the deal at the last minute. Buck up, Vitale, we’ve got shit to do.”

He chuckled lightly, offering me his arm as we made our way into the heart of the party. We mingled and rubbed elbows with people I’ve only seen on television or in magazines. I worked extra hard to keep the star-struck look off my face.

The first drop was a CEO. He wanted information on a competing company so he could drag them through the mud and take over their resources. When I stepped up to him, he pulled my hand to his lips, kissing the back of it as we made the hand off. Leo moved as he needed to, blocking the room as he stepped up behind me, his hand on my waist. The CEO barely glanced at him. He knew the purpose of my date. They all did. It was part of the contract, which was why the first two exchanges would take place near the corners of the room, to block the most eyes.

The second drop was significantly easier than the first and more a matter of luck than anything else. She was on city council and wanted to knock her competition out of the upcoming election with a smear campaign. I planned to do the exchange the same as the first, but we happened to go to the restroom at the same time. We both spent a good amount of time fixing our makeup so we could do the exchange once the room was empty. She squeezed my hand and flashed me that election winning smile before she tucked the USB away and disappeared.

The last drop was the most important, the most lucrative, and the most dangerous. If either of us got caught, it was not only a career ender, we’d both probably end up in jail. I twisted my fingers as I stood just outside the ballroom. I could see him in there. Senator Haggerty was charming the crowds, shaking hands and smiling. It wasn’t possible to meet him on the outskirts or sneak away. It would look suspicious. I needed to meet him out in the open and even though there weren’t many cameras inside, they followed him wherever he went.

Leo appeared at my side, grabbing my elbow. “Come with me.”

I stumbled over my words, trying to argue as he pulled me into a dark room. The farther I got from the senator, the more I relaxed until I could finally speak.

“What the hell, Vitale! I’ve got one more job to do!”

He peeked out the door before closing it behind him. “Keep your voice down. You couldn’t do the job like that. You looked guilty even before you spoke to him. When were you going to tell me that your last drop was the senator?”

I made a face. “When I introduced you to him. I did not look guilty. I’m just a little nervous.”

He crossed his arms and stared me down. “He is the most famous person in that room, the one with the most power, and you want to walk right up to him and hand him something with no one knowing? You’re either cocky or stupid.”

My fingers curled into fists as fury rolled through me. “Who asked you? I’ll have you know–”

He cut me off, swooped down on me, and captured my lips. He shoved me against the bookcase behind me, effectively cornering me. I was going to hit him when I heard the voices in the hall. If someone caught us in here for no reason, it would look shifty. I ran with it and threw my arms around his neck, pressing myself against him. One of his big hands slid into my hair, gripping it tightly, while the other slid down my side to rest on my hip. When his tongue dipped in to slide against mine, I couldn’t help the breathy moan that slipped out.

Warmth pooled in my belly, and I felt my nipples draw up tight. I couldn’t stand Leo on principle alone, but man could he kiss. The door to the room opened, and I heard a startled “Oops!” before it closed again, but I couldn’t be bothered to pull away. Not until Leo’s hips bumped into mine and his erection ground against me. Reality slammed back into me and I jerked away with a gasp. Leo lifted his gaze slowly and locked eyes with me. He looked every bit the mafia don in that moment, the shadows in the room darkening his face, his eyes nearly black, and I was once again reminded that this was a stupid fucking idea.



WatchingNicole move through the room, smiling and interacting with the elite like she belonged there, was like watching art in motion. When she wasn’t actively trying to piss everyone off, she was graceful and poised, every bit the princess she was raised to be. Her hand off to the first man was flawless. She didn’t have to throw herself at him or act inappropriately. She lifted her chin, her smile soft and relaxed. No one would have ever thought to question her.

While I never saw the second exchange, I felt the need to applaud her versatility when she informed me she did the exchange in the bathroom without an audience. It was only when I watched her staring at the senator that I felt like she was out of her depth. All the earlier confidence was gone. She wasn’t going to be able to disappear into a back room or talk quietly in the corner with that man. She needed to do the exchange out in the open with cameras all around her. One slip could have devastating consequences for the both of them.

I pulled her away because I was planning to do the job myself. It wasn’t the first time I’d done something so public like that, though usually it was with something a lot bigger than a USB. She was so busy arguing with me about it that she didn’t hear the voices coming down the hall. I quieted her the only way that worked so far. If I had put my hand over her mouth, I was almost certain she would have bitten me.

When she moaned, I almost lost my head. I was inches from the slit in her dress and felt my fingers move toward it, interested in feeling just how affected she was. It was the door opening that grabbed my attention. Whoever it was left quickly, which meant the ruse worked, but Nicole was in no hurry to pull away. Her tongue danced with mine, her short nails running through my hair. I ground my hips slowly against hers, pulling a whimper from her before she yanked herself away.

She looked shocked, her eyes wide as she worked to regain her breath. Twice, her gaze dropped back to my mouth. I felt sure she wouldn’t fight me if I kissed her again, but she had a job to do. Now that I knew how important it was, I understood why she felt the need to threaten me beforehand. If someone screwed up a deal like that for me, heads would roll.

I drew back and released her slowly. Lipstick was smudged across her mouth and I was momentarily distracted by what it would look like smeared across my cock. I shoved my hands in my pockets, scowling more at myself than anything else as I attempted to hide my very obvious erection.

She blinked, her brows furrowed slightly before she shook her head. She opened her mouth to speak, but I felt on edge. The urge to throw her up against the wall and fuck her was almost unbearable.