“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I was poking the bear, but he pissed me off and I didn’t want him to feel like he got away with it.
“I swear to God, Nikki, if you don’t tell me where you are–”
Nino plucked the phone from my hand, putting it to his ear. It surprised me, he had been downstairs a second ago, the restaurant already bustling.
“Who is this?”
I couldn’t quite hear Gino on the other end, but Nino’s face darkened. “Listen here, you little shit. She can come here whenever she wants. You got a problem with it, you come talk to me, ya hear?” He hung up without ceremony, handing my phone back to me. “You got a visitor. Try not to kill him in my dining room.”
I groaned. There was only one person he could be referring to. I shoved the last USB into my purse. When I wasn’t actively handing them out, they hid in the lining, so even if my brothers looked for them, they wouldn’t find them. They weren’t that smart. I followed Nino down the stairs and into the dining room. Leo waited in the booth we had been in last night, a dark look on his face.
Either I pissed him off or something else was bothering him. I walked past, straight out the front door, and texted Enzo to come get me. His apartment wasn’t far, so it wouldn’t take long for him to get here.
“You planning on avoiding me until the wedding day?” Leo’s dark and growly voice gave me goosebumps, and I resisted the urge to shiver.
“What do you want, Vitale?” I didn’t bother to look at him, my eyes on my phone. I felt his looming presence at my back, and that was enough of a distraction as I waited for Enzo.
“I want to know which of your brothers I need to kill.”
I stiffened, then whipped around to face him. “What the hell are you talking about?”
His normally impassive look was gone. Barely restrained fury took its place, and I actually felt the urge to step back.
“I was meeting with your papa today when I ran into your cousin.”
Shit. I hadn’t thought about telling them to avoid him. I crossed my arms and lifted my chin. Assholes or not, they were still my brothers and I wouldn’t sell them out.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He growled, stepping closer until he was almost against me. “Don’t fucking lie to me, Nicole. Both your cousins look like shit, and you were with them last night.”
“Says who?”
All his composure went out the window and his eyes burned with fury, his teeth bared. “If they fucking touched you, they’re disrespecting me. This isn’t a game, Nicole.”
I shrugged, and he released a frustrated snarl. He stormed away before spinning back, but when he reached for me, I flinched. I was still a little on edge from last night. His hand froze, his eyes wide. I made a tsk sound, irritated that I let that response slip. So irritated, in fact, that when he moved closer, I refused to move out of sheer principle. He gripped the back of my neck. I was sure if I hadn’t flinched the first time, he would’ve been a lot rougher. But he drew me gently closer until my face was inches from his, his other hand tucked into his pocket.
“You’re surprisingly loyal to people who treat you like shit,” he murmured, his voice calmer than before.
“Or maybe I don’t need you fighting my battles for me. Are we done here?”
He still hadn’t released me, his gaze dropping to my lips before I pushed his hand away. He chuckled lightly, rubbing his jaw. He did that when he wanted to hide his reaction, and it bothered me.
“You and I are getting married in four weeks. My aunt has offered to help with the planning since I know you and Viola don’t get along.”
I made a face at him. “Are you deaf or just plain stupid? I’m not marrying you. I don’t give a shit what the deal was between you and Papa. You want a wife? Go bother Bianca.”
It bugged me more than it should, the thought of them together. My belly churned uncomfortably, but I ignored it. He probably would’ve gone for her first if I hadn’t started a war with him. Everyone always did. Bianca was the perfect mafia princess, at least according to Viola.
This time, I saw him coming and stiffened so I wouldn’t flinch away. He gripped my jaw, just on the edge of pain, looming over me. “I’m not arguing with you about this. You can participate in the planning or not, I don’t give a shit. The wedding will happen. If you or your brothers disrespect me again, you won’t like how I handle it.”
I swallowed, trying to keep my face void of emotion. You didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that he meant what he said. It made me wonder why he was so pissy about my brother hitting me if he planned on doing the same damn thing.
Even after giving his ultimatum, I could see the unbridled rage boiling just under the surface of his skin. It was so intense, I didn’t think he would lean over and suck my bottom lip into his mouth. It shocked me and a groan ripped out of me before I had a chance to stifle it. The noise snapped me out of it and I shoved him hard, twisting and moving away from him until a good five feet separated us.
“If you touch me again, I’ll–”
“Save your threats, Nikki. I’ve got business to deal with. I’ll see you later.” He turned without hesitation and strode to his car. I watched in stunned silence as he dropped inside and left.