Page 21 of Taming Nikki

“For once in your life, can you not? The mother of the bride is supposed to help plan the wedding,” she snapped.

“Good thing you aren’t my mother, then. Pretty sure Alicia isn’t going to fly out to do it either.”

Viola grit her teeth. “Don’t say that name in this house.”

She was so close to losing her shit. I was on pins and needles. How much farther would I need to go before she completely lost it? A slow grin passed over my face.

“What? Are we pretending I’m something I’m not now? Does Vitale know you’re selling him the product of your husband’s affair?”

Right before she snapped, DiAngelo appeared at the top of the stairs to the basement. “Knock it off, Nikki.”

I raised my eyebrows at him. “It’s a legitimate question. If we’re scamming a mob boss, I feel like I should be in on the plan, given that I’m the one who’s on the chopping block.”

“I feel like we need popcorn,” Frankie whispered to Amara. She snickered, ducking her head when Viola glared at her.

“You’re trying to upset her on purpose. You have a responsibility to this family, same as everyone else. Suck it up.”

I pretended to pat my non-existent pockets. When he frowned at me, I shrugged at him. “Turns out, I’m fresh out of fucks to give.”

“Nicole Morelli!” Viola screeched at me. She had a wooden spoon in her hand and she lifted it like she was going to hit me. I turned my gaze fully on her and my face fell flat.

“Do it. I dare you.”

She hesitated and eventually dropped her arm with a scowl. “I can’t wait until you’re finally shipped out of here.”

I snorted. “That makes two of us. It just won’t be because of a wedding.”

DiAngelo seemed to have enough of my shit. He stepped up to me, his eyes narrowed. “Get off the counter.”

“Make me.”

He reached for me, his lip curled up in a snarl.

“I wouldn’t if I were you.”



Spendingthe afternoon in Morelli’s stuffy office did not put me in a pleasant mood. He was a stickler and wanted to go through every little detail about the transition. Ironing out the details would take more than a couple days of meeting with him. My patience was wearing thin the longer we sat together, and my jaw was beginning to ache from grinding my teeth.

It was close to supper when Morelli decided to call it a day. He offered for me and Frankie to join his family for dinner, but I wanted to see where we were at with Nicole cooling off before I accepted. If she tried to throw another knife at me, she might hit Frankie by accident. We had just stepped into the kitchen when I saw Nicole’s older brother demanding she get off the counter. I wasn’t overly surprised she challenged him.

“Make me.”

He reached for her and I snapped as outrage burned through me.

“I wouldn’t if I were you.”

My words were filled with so much venom and animosity, her brother froze and turned his attention to me. He flicked his eyes to his father, who stood next to me before he withdrew and stepped away from Nicole. She looked surprised, and a little confused, her brow furrowed.

“Seriously, got any popcorn?” Frankie whispered a little too loudly. He was trying to break the tension. Amara looked frightened, and it seemed to bug him.

After a tense moment, Viola announced that dinner was almost ready and everyone should sit at the table. The girls went automatically except for Nicole, who frowned at me before she turned her attention to her phone. Her cousin approached her and jerked his chin at her phone.

“What are you getting?”
