“I worked the night shift. How the fuck are you so happy right now?”
He shrugged lazily, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly. “I’m in a good mood.”
I frowned at him. For someone whose office was broken into the night before, he was surprisingly upbeat. I decided for now to focus on my food. He was going to make my cereal go soggy, distracting me.
“You working again tonight?”
I frowned at him, glancing around the kitchen. “Can you shut the hell up? I told you, I don’t want my papa to know,” I hissed.
He watched me with a smug look on his face and I couldn’t figure out why. I basically inhaled my coffee, trying to kick-start my brain.
“What are you doing here, Vitale? Don’t you have some security issues to deal with?” I grinned at him when his face fell, his eyes narrowed on me.
“It’s been handled.”
I chuckled as I finished off my cereal. I dropped the bowl loudly into the sink, grinning as my step mother’s voice screeched from all the way upstairs. “God damnit, Nicole, you better not be breaking my dishware!”
I snickered and pulled myself off the counter. My mood shifted when I went to make myself another coffee, though. Leo moved behind me and leaned his hands on the counter on either side of my hips, caging me against the counter.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“You got in my business. I figured I’d return the favor.”
He was paraphrasing me from last night. Asshole.
“I thought we had a deal.”
His hot breath skated across my neck as he leaned over me, making me shiver. He chuckled. “We do, about work. You broke into my office. That makes it personal.”
I turned slowly and lifted my chin to lock eyes with him. He could loom over me all he wanted. I wasn’t easily intimidated. You live under the thumb of the Cosa Nostra long enough, you either buckle or grow a spine.
“What do you want, Vitale?”
He stepped closer and pressed himself against me. I felt myself flush and the irritating throb returned like I hadn’t just taken care of it less than an hour ago. I had to remind myself that this guy was a mafia don, and I needed to keep my hands to myself.
Without a word, he leaned over. I held my breath, thinking he was going to kiss me, but instead he reached behind me and grabbed my cup of coffee. He stepped back as he took a drink and leaned back against the island behind him.
“That’s not yours.”
I wanted to smack the grin off his face. He was toying with me and I didn’t like games like that. I opened my mouth to say something when my papa strode into the room. He glanced at us, his eyes narrowing slightly before he strode past toward the basement. I debated making a scene and calling Leo out, but considering the deal they were working on together, I kind of doubted Papa would be on my side if he even acknowledged me. I stayed silent, watching Leo drink my coffee with a sly grin. Papa called down to my brothers, completely ignoring us.
I tracked Papa and my brothers when they came up as they headed out of the room. Gino eyed Leo suspiciously, but DiAngelo didn’t give a shit. Right before they left, Papa paused.
“We’ll start on the work tomorrow, Vitale.”
Leo’s face transformed, and a mask of indifference slid over his features before he turned to face my papa. I couldn’t tell if Papa was just updating Leo or if he was kicking him out as politely as possible. I hoped it was the second one since he was alone with me in the kitchen.
“Tomorrow is fine. I’ve got a meeting in the morning. I’ll be by around lunch.”
Papa nodded and left us alone. I deflated. So much for Papa kicking Leo out.
“Signed the deal then? Forcing two teenagers to get married not at all bothersome to you?”
Leo finished the rest of my coffee and put the mug quietly in the sink. “We did sign the deal. Not for what you’re thinking, though.”
I frowned at him. “What do you mean?”
I heard his low chuckle, but he didn’t reply. He just walked away.