Page 8 of Seductive Desires

“Fuck, please tell me you’re on birth control.”

Neither of us had a condom. Luckily, I’ve had an IUD for years. I nodded, biting my lip. It was all the permission he needed. He knocked my hand away, dipping enough to lift me, and pressed me hard against the wall. I wrapped my legs around him. Mateo groaned as he slid against me, coating himself in my release.

He didn’t tease. I doubt either of us had the patience for that right now. He reached between us, guiding himself to my entrance and slammed inside me. I hissed, tossing my head back. He was bigger than I was used to but the burn was temporary as my body adjusted. His fingers dug into me as he moved slowly, like he was trying not to hurt me.

“Mateo, please!”

I heard him growl something but I couldn’t catch the words. He took my encouragement to heart, driving into me roughly. It was fast, aggressive and I could feel myself dancing on the edge of one of the most intense orgasms of my life. Tingles flooded me and I felt myself tighten around him.

“Oh, fuck, Mariana!”

He slammed his lips to mine right as we both flew over the edge, muffling our shouts. I shattered, my nails digging into his shoulders as I rode out wave after wave of pleasure. It felt like it would never end. He kept moving as long as he could, drawing it out until he softened and slipped out of me. He dropped his head against my shoulder, still holding me against him as he tried to catch his breath.

All at once, reality came rushing forward. What did I just do?

I could hear people walking down the hall outside the door. He tried to keep us as quiet as possible but I doubt it went entirely unnoticed. I just let one of the biggest playboys on the planet fuck me in a supply closet and not once did I protest.

Panic wormed its way into my system. I dropped my legs from his hips, holding the wall to steady myself as he set me down. All I kept thinking over and over in my head was ‘what did I do?’

I yanked my dress back down. “I have to go.”

He was just tucking his shirt back into his pants. His head jerked up and he frowned at me. “What?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I have to go!”

I heard him call my name as I threw the door open and ran down the hall. I left my clutch on an empty table when we went to dance and luckily it was still there. I snatched it, dodging guests in their fancy dresses laughing and drinking. I didn’t know if he was following me until I burst out the front doors, racing down the pier toward the lines of cars waiting to bring their patrons home. I knew my ride wasn’t there, I didn’t want to stop to order an Uber, so I would shell out enough to pay for a taxi.

I stumbled, landing on my hands and knees for a second.

“Mariana, wait!”

Jerking my head over my shoulder, I saw him bursting out of the front doors. It was the kick in the pants I needed to kick off my heels, push myself to my feet and take off. I may not be good at dancing or sports but there was one thing I excelled at and that was running. My feet were freezing but I wasn’t going to outrun my humiliation in heels. They dangled uselessly in my hand as I pushed past a crowd of people waiting for their rides. I raced to the intersection, throwing my hand up to hail a cab. Luckily, there were a lot riding around, hoping to snag a rich patron to give a lift home.

The cab jerked to a stop in front of me. I threw open the door, dropping inside.


The driver looked startled, slamming on the gas and pulling into traffic. I peeked over my shoulder. Mateo stood amongst the crowd of people, his eyes following me. He looked shocked and a little hurt. My heart twisted in my chest and I let out a small sob.


The worried driver was looking at me through his rearview mirror. I wiped my face, rattling out my address. He looked like he wanted to ask me what was wrong but thought better of it. I was grateful. I did not want to talk about it.

* * *

I gotlucky when the driver said he took Apple Pay. I didn’t have much cash on me, not enough to cover the ride anyway. I placed my phone near the scanner, typing in a large tip before I slid out of the cab. I stumbled to my door, my feet protesting me putting the heels back on. The driver was nice enough to wait until the door to my apartment building closed behind me before he took off. I didn’t live in a terrible neighborhood but this is Chicago.

Once I was inside the building, exhaustion slammed into me. I trudged up the stairs, almost stepping on the neighbor’s cat who always seemed to get out. It would be meowing at their door at ungodly hours tomorrow, demanding breakfast, waking me up in the process. But right now, I just didn’t care.

I dropped my keys onto the side table by the door, locking up behind me. It was a simple one bedroom, but I loved it all the same. Right off the entry to the right was the tiny kitchen, just big enough for two people to fit in, like when Carlos and I baked cookies during the holidays. It had a large passthrough so you could see the living room, and lucky for me, the tv, while you were cooking. The cabinets were pretty old, the paint peeling and several of them cracked. The stove was ancient and took finesse to get it working right but after a year living here I was almost a pro.

The living room was a tribute to my mother. She loved colors and plants so I filled the room with them. The furniture was mismatched but comfortable, little crochet doilies tossed along the backs of them. In every corner was a plant. I didn’t go as crazy as my mother but it still reminded me of her. When we lived together, she filled every empty space she could with different plants. She told me it made her feel like we were filling the house with life and love. She taught me their names and how often to water them and it became our little ritual to take care of them together. She even bought me my own pretty pink watering can.

On the left of the living room was the bedroom. It was similar to the living room, with lots of colors. The bedspread had pretty red flowers splashed all over it. I had one dresser, no walk in closet. Carlos was stunned when I accepted an apartment without one. He said it was a requirement on his list. I didn’t mind so much. I didn’t own a ton of clothes anyway. My mom taught me to be pretty frugal, since we were pretty poor anyway, and I never quite broke the habit. Even after I moved in with my father, who has plenty of money, I never asked for much. I went to the thrift store whenever I grew out of clothes. I did my homework in the library so I didn’t need my own laptop. My sisters used to sneer at me and call me low class but I didn’t want to feel like I owed my stepmother anything.

The attached bath was small, a combo bathtub shower, one person sink and the toilet was all that fit in the tiny space. I had forgotten the light on in the bathroom apparently because it was on when I made my way into my room. I dropped onto the bed with a sigh.

Guilt and humiliation warred in my system. The look on Mateo’s face kept flashing through my mind, making my stomach clench. I had never done anything that insane in my life. I was swept away by his charm and good looks and let him dance me straight into that closet and into my pants. When I finally came to my senses, I couldn’t think beyond the panic. Maybe I should have stayed, at least to say goodbye…