Page 63 of Seductive Desires

He lifted his arm, peeking at me. “En serio?” When I nodded, he chuckled. “Well, it was delicious so I guess I can not complain.”

I curled up against his side, too tired to even change for bed. His arms wrapped around me, hugging me tightly.


“Hmm?” He sounded half asleep already.

“Let’s sleep in tomorrow.”

He groaned loudly. “How did I get blessed with such a perfect woman?”

I giggled, tugging the blankets up to cover us. I could ask the same question about him but I already knew the answer. Sometimes in life, there are just some things you can’t resist.

Chapter 31 (Epilogue)

“Mariana Cortes,”the big booming voice called as I walked across the stage.

I managed to finish my school work despite the chaos with Stephen and my impromptu vacation. I pulled off a decent grade and for the first time in my life, I had family with me to celebrate my achievement.

Carlos waved at me as I stepped up to the middle of the stage to accept my degree. Andrew sat beside him, holding a sign with ‘We Love Mariana’ in big bold letters on it. Next to them were the new friends I’ve made. Jo and Liam, Gabi and Dmitriy, Amari, and even Jaime and James were in the crowd, clapping for me. And at the end of the aisle, closest to me, were the two most important people in my life. Mateo paid for Mama Carmen to fly out for my graduation, and even bought her the fanciest camera known to man to capture it all.

And next to her sat the love of my life. Mateo was beaming at me, standing as he whistled loudly. He has been a never ending source of light and warmth since we got home. We still argue from time to time, we are both a little hot headed, but it always leads back to the same thing. We fall into bed together and eventually come to a compromise we both can agree on.

Our most recent argument was barely even an argument, more of a heated discussion that led to incredible make up sex. He wanted to celebrate my graduation with a vacation and we couldn’t agree on where. What he didn’t know was I already set up the trip to Columbia and Amari told his mother we were coming.

The announcer ended the ceremony and we all threw our caps into the air. It felt good to enjoy the moment without looking over my shoulder, worried that my worst nightmare would be standing right behind me. Instead, there was only my family, smiling and waiting for me.

I jogged over to join them, letting myself get passed around from one person to another for hugs and congratulations, until I was spun into Mateo’s waiting arms. He chuckled, wrapping himself around me.

“I’m proud of you, mi amor.”

I stood on my tiptoes, pressing my lips against his.

“So, what’s next? Grad school or straight to the job market?” Jo queiried, leaning against Liam. “Don’t get suckered into the lie about ‘hey come work with me that way we won’t have to be apart.’ Liam tried that and I’m still sitting at home twiddling my thumbs.” She scowled up at him but he just gave her a blank look. Before they could start arguing about it, Mateo interrupted them.

“First, vacation. Then she can decide what she wants to do next.”

His and Liam’s relationship was still shaky at best but they were working on it and Liam looked like he appreciated the change in subject.

“Ooh, where to? We went to Russia last winter, it was amazing!” Gabi gushed. Dmitriy grinned, pulling her back into the circle of his arms whenever she walked too far away. Mateo shook his head.

“We haven’t been able to agree on that yet. She keeps shooting down every place I suggest.” He frowned down at me but I just grinned.

“I already know where we are going for our vacation. We leave the same day Mama Carmen flies home.”

His eyebrows lifted. “To where, exactly?”

I shrugged. “You’ll see.”

* * *

Mateo spentthe rest of the evening trying to get me to spill about our vacation. I dropped my keys on the kitchen counter, groaning as I stretched. Mateo wrapped his arms around me, tugging me up against him.

“You still haven’t told me where we are going. How can I know what to pack?”

I tilted my head back and forth. “It’ll be hot. And sunny.”

He frowned. “We just got back from Mexico. Are we returning already?”