“I love you too. Goodbye Carlos.” He hung up and I sat sobbing on the bed. That might be the last time I get to speak to him.
I should be packing, I need to leave immediately, but he’s my best friend. I can do one more thing for him, hopefully help him get the gallery he deserves, then I will leave the city. No, the state. I don’t know yet.
* * *
I changedinto a work appropriate outfit, a simple pencil skirt and a nice blouse. I figured if I was meeting a gallery owner, I shouldn’t look like I was some bum off the streets. I slapped on a light amount of makeup and left my hair down. It wasn’t the most professional look, but it would have to do. I was in a hurry. I called an Uber, hovering by the window and peeking outside until it arrived. I didn’t see anyone else down there but you couldn’t be too sure, so I basically ran from my apartment door to the Uber, throwing myself inside.
The whole ride was tense. The driver tried more than once to strike up a conversation but I was busy scanning the surrounding area, trying to see if any cars were following us. I got too comfortable here, and forgot to stay vigilant. I should’ve told Carlos no to the gala. Why wouldn’t there be pictures?
The driver pulled up out front and I hesitated, watching the people milling about. It was a weekday, there wasn’t a large amount of people, but it is still Chicago, it would always be slightly busy. When the coast was clear, I leapt out of the car, not bothering to say goodbye to the driver. I raced inside, hiding behind a pillar for a second.
“Miss? Is everything okay?”
The old man at the information desk in front of the doors looked worried, his eyebrows furrowed. I nodded at him, sucking in a breath and letting it go. I needed to get through this meeting. One meeting, then I could get out of here.
“I’m here to meet someone about the gallery. I have an appointment for noon. Do you know where I’m supposed to go?” My voice shook but I tried to keep my face impassive.
He pointed down the hall on the left. A big empty hallway leading to a small gallery by the elevators. I stepped inside, my eyes darting around the room. It was too dark in here.
“Miss Cortes?”
I jumped almost three feet in the air, spinning around. A young woman was behind me, looking startled at my reaction. I seriously need to calm down.
“Sorry, you surprised me. Yes, I’m Mariana Cortes, I’m here representing Carlos De La Rosa.” I willed my heart rate to slow as I followed her around the space, trying to listen to her different explanations. It wasn’t a huge gallery, but it was still much bigger than where he is now. It had a little creator’s space in the back and the lighting was perfect. With it being connected to a museum, he should get a lot more foot traffic here.
I thanked the woman for showing me around before heading out. I pulled out my phone, trying to type out a quick email to Carlos while I waited for my next Uber.
“Hello, Anna.”
I froze, ice running through my veins. I knew that voice. I’ve spent the last eight years running from that voice. I moved achingly slowly, dropping my phone into my purse before turning to face him.
The man from my nightmares. The one who has been chasing me since I left home. My step brother.
He looked just how I remembered him, coarse blonde hair, dark green eyes that were way too wide as he smiled at me. He looked bigger though, more bulky. He wasn’t much taller than me but he made up for it in sheer mass. I took a step back.
“What are you doing here, Stephen?”
“What do you mean? I’m here for you, of course.” He spoke to me like I was a silly child, shaking his head. “I saw your photo. You looked perfect as always, Anna.”
“That’s not my name.”
He ignored me, advancing slowly. Every step he took towards me, I took one back, trying to keep the distance between us. When he noticed, his face fell and he narrowed his eyes.
“I grow tired of this game, Anna. It’s time for you to come home and take your place by my side.”
I shook my head. There was something different about him. Something off. He had always been terrifying, always too affectionate, but now he looked unbalanced, his pale face almost feral. He took another step toward me and I retreated again. I wanted to look around, call for help, but I was trapped in his gaze, my heartbeat thrashing in my ears.
“Anna, I won’t tell you again. You are coming home with me. You are mine.”
All I could do was shake my head, tears slipping over my cheeks. “I’m not yours. Stay away from me, Stephen.” I finally looked around. No one was here. Where was the man from the information desk? Why was this hall empty?
He lunged at me suddenly, slamming me against the pillar behind me, his hand smashed against my mouth. I could taste blood, his grip forcing my teeth to tear into my lips. His other hand was on my neck, squeezing roughly.
“You’re mine! I know you’ve been sleeping around like a fucking tramp but that doesn’t change the fact that you belong to me!” He pressed himself against me and I whimpered. “You want me, like I want you.” When I shook my head, he slammed my head against the pillar. “Don’t fucking lie to me, Anna. We belong together. I’ll fucking prove it.”
Terror kept me frozen as he took a small step back, ripping my shirt. He was going to rape me right here in this hallway and there was no one around to help me. I finally realized what was happening and started slapping and scratching him, trying to get him to release my mouth so I could call for help. He threw himself against me, using his bodyweight to pin me against the wall.
“Knock it off, Anna! I don’t want to play hard to get with you right now.”