Page 17 of Seductive Desires

He actually made a face, making me laugh. “No, they live in Columbia, where it is warm and the sun is always shining.” He shuddered as a particularly heavy gust of wind blew across the patio.

After the initial tension,as long as I stayed away from questions about his work, he was an open book. He talked about his family home in Columbia, the way his mother would smack him on the head if he was caught sneaking out, which was often. His father died a few years ago, and he was heartbroken about it. I wanted to hold his hand and tell him it gets better but we were still playing the game. Every time one of us got too close, we both seemed to hold our breath. I felt like the minute someone finally broke the rule, we would be all over each other so eventually I suggested a walk in the park to give myself a chance to catch my breath.

The sun was long gone at this point. We stopped by a large fountain, watching the water. I made a mental note to tell Carlos to come out here at one point. It seemed like the perfect place to get inspiration for a painting. Eventually I felt bad though. Mateo had an easy smile but he grimaced every time the wind blew so I told him I was getting tired so he’d take me home.

When we got in the car, I turned on the heat for him. He tried to say he didn’t need it but he didn’t turn it off either. Next time I’d have to suggest an indoor activity.

Wait. Next time? He hasn’t asked me for a second date and I’m not even sure I want one. He’s charming but a little elusive and it seemed a bit odd for him to hide his job from me.

We pulled up in front of my apartment while I was still mulling over it, chewing on my bottom lip. He turned toward me, his hand on the seat behind me. It was close but still not touching. I smiled at him.

“Thank you, this was fun.”

We both waited for the other to make the first move, to end the game, but in the end, I got out of the car. He went to follow me but I put my hand up. If he kissed me at my doorstep, I’d invite him inside and the whole challenge would have been for nothing.

“Stay here, I don’t want you to get cold.”

He shook his head. “That is ungentlemanly. My mother would have a fit.”

I laughed. “I won’t tell if you won’t. Good night, Mateo.”

He rolled down the window as I shut the door. “See you again soon, mariposa.”

He had to pull away when a car behind him honked. I waved, watching him for a moment before wrestling my keys out of the clutch. I had just slid them into the lock when a rough hand covered my mouth, dragging me backwards. For a second, I thought it was Mateo but I just watched him drive around the corner. Realization and panic flooded my system all at once. I tried to scream but whoever grabbed me punched me in the side, knocking the wind out of me. He dragged me out of the light under the streetlamp and into the alley next to my building. He threw me against the wall and I smacked my head.

“Well, well. Look what I caught. A little dessert. I wonder if she tastes as sweet as she looks.”

Revulsion shuddered through me as I finally got my bearings. I was trapped between him and the wall, a dumpster blocking one side, which left me only one way to go to get away. I took self defense classes and a few other fighting classes, so I knew what to do but I’ve never had to use them before. Panic made me slow and jerky, missing his hand coming up to wrap around my throat until it was too late.

“Don’t worry, honey, you’ll like what I’m going to do.” He trailed his other hand down my cheek. I grit my teeth, trying to focus. Now was not the time to panic. Get your ass in gear, Mariana!

I was about to drop my elbow against his arm to break his hold when he suddenly went flying. Mateo stood snarling above him, not even looking at me. He stalked toward the attacker who crawled backwards on the ground to get away from Mateo’s intensity. He grabbed the man by his shirt, throwing his arm back and slamming it into the attacker’s face. I was so focused on what was happening that I didn’t see the second attacker until it was too late. It was like he appeared out of thin air, a glint of silver the only warning on what was about to happen.

I screamed, trying to get Mateo’s attention but the second attacker grabbed his shoulder and shoved the knife into his back. In slow motion, Mateo dropped to his knees on the ground. The first attacker scrambled to his feet while the second kicked Mateo in the back, knocking him to his hands and knees. Together, they started kicking him, giving him no room to react, to defend himself.

I watched in horror until it looked like a particularly hard kick to the head knocked him out. It was like someone flipped the switch and I lunged forward.


I caught the attention of the second attacker, the one with the knife. I knew I needed to deal with him first because he could kill me in an instant. He turned, confused, and I threw my body weight into the punch, landing directly on his windpipe. He dropped the knife, clutching his throat as he stumbled back. The other guy was smaller, shorter than the one with the knife, but still bigger than me. He barreled toward me, his arm cocked back. I ducked, letting him move past me enough to slam my elbow into his lower back, right where his kidney would be. He grunted, stumbling forward.

My focus was splintered between the two. The one who had the knife was still clutching his throat and gasping but he was also still standing and that made him a threat. I rounded on him, slamming my foot in between his legs. He went down, dropping face first next to Mateo. The first attacker grabbed my hair, tossing me to the ground. My ass hurt as it hit the concrete but I didn’t pause to process it. Instead, I twisted and kicked out, hurling my foot against his knee. He let out a yelp and fell forward, almost landing on me. I rolled out of the way. Springing to my feet, I slammed my foot into him over and over.

Please pass out, please pass out. I wanted to get to Mateo, he wasn’t moving, but I couldn’t move until I knew they wouldn’t get up and hurt him. When the attacker finally went limp, I jerked myself back and stumbled away, gasping. I swung around, racing over to Mateo.

“Mateo? Mateo! Wake up!” I shook his shoulders but he didn’t move. I could see blood seeping from his back. I was about to race back to where I had dropped my clutch to grab my phone and call for help when suddenly the alley was filled with movement and men I had never seen before. I screamed, throwing myself over Mateo. Maybe the attackers were in a gang and they just showed up as back up.

Warm slim hands wrapped around my arms, pulling me roughly away from Mateo.

“No! Get away from him!”

“We can’t if we want to help him, Mariana. Let us help him.”


I whippedmy head over my shoulder to the person restraining me. Amari, Mateo’s head of security. She had a grim look on her face and her grip was tight on my arms. I jerked away from her, following the guys who hoisted Mateo between them. They were putting him in a huge SUV.

“Shouldn’t we call an ambulance?”