Page 13 of Seductive Desires

He flashed me that charming grin that made my stomach do backflips, gliding across the room. He followed me into the dining area and we both stood there staring at one another for way too long.

“This is the part where you check the merchandise to make sure everything is in order. Then we sign the papers and I go home.”

He looked thoughtful, his eyes trailing over me. I felt like I should be offended, not fighting the urge to kiss him again. Ugh.

“I’m sure it’s fine. I was more hoping to speak with you.”

“About what?”

He raised an eyebrow at me. “It seems we have gotten off to a bad start…” He trailed off for a moment before shaking his head. “No. We got off to a perfect start, then we stumbled along the way. I’d like to fix it, if I can.”

“What exactly are you asking me?” I had a feeling I already knew what he wanted, but I wanted to be sure.

“I’d like to take you out. Are you free tonight?”

Okay, that was not what I was expecting. I thought he’d want to go straight back to the bedroom.

“Sorry, I don’t date customers.”

I was a little curious on what a date would be like with him given how we first met but I was also one hundred percent sure he was only asking so he could try and get into my pants again. That was an embarrassing mistake I wouldn’t be making twice. And I honestly didn’t want him to see me that way.

“Okay, hand me the paperwork then.”

That was easier than I thought. I tried not to be disappointed. I pulled the paperwork out of the portfolio I had stashed in my purse. The real outlier to this outfit and Carlos complained non stop. It was embroidered on almost every inch, homemade by my mother, and I refused to part with it unless I was going to an event. Delivering a painting was not an event.

Handing him the invoice, I waited as he glanced over it, signing the final copy and handing it back to me.

“There. All done. I’m not a customer anymore.”

I snorted. So that was his end game. “That’s not how that works.”

“No? I thought it worked pretty well.” He shot me a smug grin. I rolled my eyes at him.

“No, Mateo. You might want to buy more art in the future. Once a customer, always a customer.”

He waved his hand dismissively. “Not how I see it. Unless you say no, in which case I will keep buying art just to spend time with you.”

I crossed my arms defiantly. “See, that. I don’t like that. You’re making me feel like you’re buying me.”

His eyebrows shot up, his smile disappearing. When I turned to leave, he pleaded with me. “Wait. Mariposa, that was not my intention. I meant only to flirt. I would never treat you so dishonorably.” He stepped around me, standing in front of me again. His face was contrite, pulling my hand into his. He turned it over so my palm was up, placing something in my hand.

I glanced down and gasped. My mother’s butterfly clip. I thought I had lost it. I was heartbroken.

“It must have come out when you fell. I found it when I went back inside. I wanted to return it to you but I forgot it when I came to visit your work.” His voice had gone quiet, his eyes sincere when they locked with mine. I felt myself begin to waver. He didn’t have to do that…

“Thank you. It’s really important to me. I thought I lost it…” I traced my fingers over it lovingly. When he plucked it from my fingers, I frowned, but he stepped behind me, pushing it into my hair.

“I do not want to force you, mariposa. I just want to spend more time with you. We got so little at the gala.” He pulled me gently to face him again. I still felt like we were dancing. He always seemed to move me how he wanted me and I followed his lead. He cupped my cheek with his hand.

“Por favor. Give me one more chance.”

I sighed, leaning into him. Maybe I was being a little unfair. I felt like he was treating me like a whore but I wasn’t treating him any better, automatically assuming he was a playboy like the magazines said. So far, he’d been nothing but a gentleman to me. You know, if you discount the sex in the closet thing.

I am going to regret this but… “Okay.”

The smile that transformed his face was like being bathed in warm light. I basked in it for a moment before I pulled away, pointing my finger at him, a mock frown on my face.

“But no funny business. I am not going into any closets with you.” There was no venom in my voice, but I was serious. I didn’t want him to think I was that girl. The gala was a shock even to me.