

We arrive at the downstate clubhouse a few hours later. Shelby’s tour bus is waiting right out front. My heart thumps wildly. We’re really doing this.

“Oh my God, it’s huge!” Libby shouts.

Dex’s lips curl into a smile. “Should’ve seen the little tow-behind camper Rooster bought for her first tour. It was a nice setup but not a lot of room.”

Libby gets out and runs over the parking lot, throwing herself at Serena for a big hug.

“Go ahead,” Dex says. “I got our stuff.”

Z insists everyone come inside and gather around the bar before we say goodbye. Lilly and Serena pass out drinks to everyone. Shots and beers for some of the brothers. Soda for Libby. Seltzer for me.

“All right,” Z says, holding his glass high. “Here’s to Shelby—may you have the most successful tour yet.” His gaze slides to Rooster. “Keep this motherclucker in line.”

Shelby giggles. “Will do!”

“Hold on,” Grinder says. “Libby, have fun and be helpful on the road.”

“I will!”

Grinder’s eyes meet mine and he lifts his glass. “You snagged a good one—”

“Our stoic and sometimes moody little brother,” Z adds.

“Little?” Dex snorts and shakes his head. “Really?”

“Shhh.” I squeeze his hand. “This sounds like it’s going to be good.”

Libby titters with laughter.

“Jesus, there’s no baby announcements coming from you two, I hope,” Ravage groans.

I rest my hand over my stomach. “No babies.”

Dex squeezes my hand. “Got too many places my girl wants to see, first.”

Libby scoffs. “And she just got done raising me. She doesn’t need another kid.”

“Who says I’m done raising you?” I lift an eyebrow but can’t help laughing.

“That’s true,” Shelby says. “She’s always gonna be your big sister looking out for ya.”

Rooster lifts his glass again. “All right. Thanks to everyone coming out with us. We appreciate it so much. I don’t trust anyone with my chickadee who isn’t a brother or ol’ lady.” He winks at me. “Let’s all have a good time this summer!”

Everyone whoops and finishes their drinks.

I circulate through the clubhouse, giving and receiving hugs from everyone.

“I’m going to miss you,” Serena says, holding me at arm’s length.

“We’ll be back before you know it.”

When everyone moves out to the parking lot, I tug on Dex’s hand, pulling him back into the clubhouse.

“Thank you. For all of this. I don’t think I would’ve let myself commit to being out on the road for so long if you hadn’t convinced me it was possible.”

He tucks my hair behind my ear. “That’s what I’m here for. There isn’t anything I won’t do for you.”

“You were right, I don’t regret losing my job at all.”

“Good. Life’s too short for any regrets.”



Liberty Belle: Good luck today!

I send her a quick thanks, then tuck my phone away.

It’s move-in day at our newly finished house on the club’s property. I pick up another box from our moving truck and carry it inside.

“You have a lot of dresses,” I huff. Is this the eighth—or is it the ninth—crate of Emily’s dresses? It doesn’t matter, there are four more of these heavy, tall, awkward boxes waiting for me. “Where were all of these hiding in your place?”

“Here and there,” she says. “And you love my dresses.”

“That I do. When you’re wearing them.” I ease the crate to one of the thick quilted moving blankets Emily laid out over the hardwood floor. She’s as paranoid about scratching anything as I am.

“Thank fuck I turned one of those bedrooms into a closet. Thought I was going to buy you new stuff to fill it up but I might be building another whole-ass closet instead.”

She stares up at me, a smile quirking at the corners of her mouth. “Aw, that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said.”

“Really?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Taking me shopping. Building closets. It doesn’t get more romantic than that.”

I seize her around the waist and drag her to me. “Is that right?”

“Are you moving in or mauling your girl?” Z calls out from the front door.

“Hey, neighbor!” Emily turns in my arms and waves at Z.

I hug her to me and rest my chin on the top of her head. “Heavy stuff is all moved in, thanks for stopping by,” I say.

“Bullshit.” Z jerks his thumb over his shoulder. “That truck’s still half-full.”

“I’m just fucking with you, Prez.” I snort and sweep my gaze over our mostly empty living room. Well, except for all the boxes of clothes. “We don’t have any furniture.”

Emily shakes with laughter. “You just noticed?”

“So, what’s in the truck?” Z asks.

“Clothes,” I answer. “A department store’s worth of dresses.” I lean down to whisper in her ear, “And I love seeing you in every one of them.”

Z chuckles. “Lilly took over most of the closets at our place. I have a dresser and one of the spare rooms for my stuff.”

I glance over at Z. “I mean, you only have the one outfit apparently…”